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希拉里也是一个雄心勃勃的女孩。Hilary is also an ambitious50 girl.

希拉里?斯万克获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖项。Hilary Swank won the Oscar Award for best actress.

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恭喜希拉里和麦克这对幸福的小夫妻。Congratulations to Hilary and Mike — what a great couple!

他在很多事情上的预测都非常准确,这次也一样,希勒里一语中的。As he was about so many things, Hilary was right on target.

不过,想当歌手是两年前才动的念头。It was only two years ago that Hilary wanted to be a singer.

希拉里虽然很沮丧,但她仍然下定决心要完成自己的工作。Hilary was frustrated but still determined to get her job done.

希拉里在百货公司买了现成的新娘礼服。Hilary bought her wedding dress off-the-peg at a department store.

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该律所的团队成员包括林玫、希拉里·罗和何林。The firm's team includes partners Lim Mei, Hilary Low and Lynn Ho.

“妈妈不想把希拉里宠坏了,”海莉说。“Mom didn't want Hilary to become a spoiled26 brat27,” says Haylie.

希拉�·安德森是一个在非洲大陆作了二十多年报道的记者。Hilary Andersson has been reporting from Africa for almost two decades.

最终,在迈克尔的支持下,希拉里决定辞职。In the end, with Michael's support, Hilary decided to leave her position.

对于希拉里。斯万克而言,转变形象是她一直都在做的事情。Transformation is all part of the job as far as Hilary Swank is concerned.

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汤姆拒绝帮希拉蕊做作业之后,希拉蕊便对他视若无睹,形同陌路。Hilary gave Tom the cold shoulder after he refused to help her with her homework.

Hilary在前往巴西和澳大利亚站之前还将在墨西哥有三场演唱会,为宣传她的“尊严”专集。Hilary makes three more stops in Mexico, before moving on to Brazil and Australia.

我完成了在欧扎克的巡回拉票之后,首先到布法罗河边的一个小社区普鲁伊特,去面见希勒里.琼斯。I stopped first in Pruitt, a small settlement on the Buffalo, to see Hilary Jones.

南来北往来「淘宝」的人,也许前美国总统夫人希拉里就在其中。"Treasure-hunters" from all over the world, maybe Hilary Clinton is here with them.

希拉里·斯万克则击败了她的奥斯卡竞争对手而荣获最佳女主角奖。Hilary Swank bettered her Oscar odds by taking home the best dramatic actresshonors.

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纽约州众议员柯尔斯顿·吉利布兰德被选中填补希拉里·克林顿的职位。New York representative Kirsten Gillibrand was tapped to fill Hilary Clinton's post.

美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿结束了对韩国为期两天的访问。U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has wrapped up a two-day visit to South Korea.

希拉里·斯万克证明着红毯上应该摆放更多的鸵鸟饰品。Hilary Swank proving that there ought to be far more ostrich tributes on the red carpet