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凯尔是我们班致告别词的学生代表。Kyle was valedictorian of our class.

如果我儿子是发言人,我就会很骄傲。I know I would be if my son were valedictorian.

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你以优秀毕业生的头衔高中毕业。You graduated from high school as valedictorian.

我介绍了2006年毕业生的第一名。I introduced the valedictorian of the Class of 2006.

听说你女儿以第一名的成绩从高中毕业。恭喜你。I hear your daughter graduated from high school as the valedictorian. Congratulations!

曾经以学生代表的身份在高中毕业典礼上致辞,那时我觉得成绩就是一切。I was the valedictorian of my class in high school, and grades meant everything to me.

其中一个她所救的女孩之后在高中毕业典礼上致辞。One of the girls she rescued from a pimp later graduated from high school as valedictorian.

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我想这大概使我有资格代表我这一类学生发言,在所有的失败者中,我做得最好。I guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class, I did the best of everyone who failed.

上面致辞的时候,突然有只蜜蜂飞进我的衬衫里,我下意识地惨叫了一声。Suddenly, a bee flew down my shirt, causing me to scream loudly while the valedictorian said their speech.

当他9岁来到美国时连一句英语都不会说,最后却成为班上的毕业生代表和军训营营长。He came to this country at nine unable to speak any English and eventually became valedictorian of his class and governor of Boys State.

告别演说者类梅利莎迪亚兹,其母亲也从霍斯托什毕业,曾这样说今晚的“本地姑娘使得非常非常好”的故事。Class Valedictorian Melissa Diaz, whose mom also graduated from Hostos, had this to say about tonight's "local girl makes very very good" story.

在试图阐明自己的评论时,奥斯丁的模式化思维进一步加强,她说,你可以试想一下一个亚洲人成为下一任致告别词的优秀学生代表。Austen dug her stereotype hole a little deeperwhen she tried to clarify the remark, saying that you would expect an Asian tobe the valedictorian.

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欢迎,丹尼斯·金。金先生,不仅是在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上发言的毕业生,他更是极具声望的史蒂文森奖,有史以来最年轻的获得者。Welcome, dennis kim. Mr. kim Was not only the valedictorian at stanford university, He is also the youngest recipient Of the prestigious stevenson award.

在我最后一年大学生活中,我创作了另外2部有关社会问题的表演,并被我的同行选举为告别演说者,并被要求创作另一个作为毕业典礼。I created 2 more performances on social issues in my final year and was voted valedictorian by my peers and asked to create yet another for the graduation ceremony.

我也曾是班里也是最好的学生,成绩优秀,我知道背负着如此大的压力是什么感受,所以我和剧中所饰演的角色有很多共鸣。I knew in my head I was the valedictorian of my class. I was a straight-A student. I knew what it was like to be under so much pressure. I could totally relate to this girl.

为了加强身障和正常学生融合一起以及冲淡优越感,美国一些中学也把毕业的第一、二名取消了。In order to strengthen the mainstream and to water down superiority, some American schools no longer name the top students for graduation, such as valedictorian and salutatorian.

年轻的理查德·米勒被选择去在新英格兰高中班的开学典礼上发表演说,而且将在演说中表达现代的反对资本主义的思想。Young idealist Richard Miller is selected as valedictorian for his New England high school commencement class of 1906 and intends to inject modern anti-capitalistic ideas into his speech.