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收件人是谁?Who is the addressee?

此消息完全是为了指定的收件人。This message is intended solely for the named addressee.

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请填写收信人和寄信人的姓名。Please fill in the names of the addressor and the addressee.

这两种类型之间的唯一区别是签发人不同。The only difference between these two types is the addressee.

不同类别的收件人也可以使用不同的算法。Different classes of addressee may also use different algorithms.

广告语是广告商用来吸引广大用户的一种手段。Advertising language is a means for the addresser to attract the addressee.

而文件其馀的构成内容会随位址的不同而变化。The remaining components of the document differ from addressee to addressee.

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有的语法家还提出了祈使句的主语都是受话者。Some grammarians believe that the subject of any imperative is the addressee.

我在括号里加几个字,请收报人告诉我母亲去机场接我。I add some words to ask the addressee to tell my mother to meet me at the airport.

你没看见信封上没有写地址和收信人名字吗?。You have not seen on the envelope not to write the address and the addressee name?

你是说你想拍发这些电报并让收报人付费?You mean you want to have them sent with charges to be collected from the addressee?

您的语音邮件将让你的收件人知道你的感受优于笑脸。Your voice email will let your addressee know how you feel better than the smiley face.

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这封信遗失了好几年,但是收件人说他很期待看到它。The letter went missing for years, but the addressee says he's looking forward to seeing it.

通常来说,这种信函开始先告之的公司地址和名字。Generally speaking, this type of letter begins by telling the addressee how his name is known.

收件人或代收人因地址变更,得申请将邮件改向新地址投递。In case the address of the addressee or the addressee's agent change, may apply for re-directing.

而照顾受话者的面子,让其受益最大化,是亲属称谓语选择的外在动力。In addition, caring for the face of the addressee so as to maximize his benefit is the explicit drive.

这电邮信息只供收信人阅读,并包含可能是保密的资料。This email message is intended only for the addressee and contains information which may be confidential.

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不要忘了在消息中加入提醒收信人修改地址的警告信息。Did not forget to add the admonitory information that warns addressee to revise an address in the message.

来自收件人的一封信确认他们在1957年四月安全地而且在好的情况到达了英国。A letter from the addressee confirmed that they reached England safely and in good condition in April 1957.

收件人或代收人因地址变更,得申请将邮件改向新地址投递。In case the address of the addressee or the addressee's agent change, the sender may apply for re-directing.