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大概一小时一次。Roughly once an hour.

仅仅拥有大致相同的形势。But roughly has the same form.

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此金属约重20公斤。The metal weighs roughly 20 kg.

大体上纽约有三重属性。Thereare roughly three New Yorks.

大体说来,有三个纽约。There are roughly three New Yorks.

这次差不多平分秋色了So we're roughly splitting the room.

流线型的曲线,可以先粗绘出来。Fluid bezier curves start out roughly.

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把土豆大致切一下,煮成半熟。Roughly chop and parboil the potatoes.

人支到小约300尾歌。I received roughly 300 candidate songs.

差不多每周都有课堂作业Roughly speaking they'll be every week.

我猜这大概就是零容忍吧。And I guess it's zero tolerance roughly.

答案是,大约每人平均150个。The answer, on average, was roughly 150.

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这大约是三百六十五又四分之一天。This is roughly 365 and one-fourth days.

双脚之间的距离约为两个杆头的宽度。Feet is gonna roughly 2 club heads apart.

他粗暴地把她推到靠椅上。He throws her roughly into the easy chair.

我的棋艺其实有限。My chess ability was roughly at the limit.

这一程序约需3周。This process requires roughly three weeks.

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以一个圆柱形的模式排着。arranged in a roughly cylindrical pattern.

每个问题大概10-11分钟。That's roughly 10, 11 minutes per question.

大概等于质子的质量。Roughly equal in mass to that of the proton.