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他是保罗。泰尔福德的唯一的儿子。He was the only son of Paul Telford.

味千拉面德福广场分店现已开业。Ajisen Ramen "Telford Plaza" branch launching.

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連接横跨伟业街的行人天桥与德福大厦。It connects the footbridge over Wai Yip Street with Telford House.

正如特尔福特所言,“你不可能只是盗用信用卡刷一下,就能进入我们的云里。”As Telford puts it, "You can't just take a credit card and swipe it and be on our cloud."

德福考试当天,考生须在审验身份时提交准考证,准考证由考点保留。Telford test day, candidates must be verified identity submit ticket, ticket reservation by test.

不要老期盼、更不要老渴望,你的手脚一动,世界都因此而德福。Do not look old, not the old desire for a movement of your hands and feet, the world thus Telford.

大温洛克,一个布满高价房屋的城镇,恳请委员会不要把自己与粗俗的特尔福德划归到一起。From Much Wenlock, a pretty town full of pricey houses, came a plea not to be lumped in with grittier Telford.

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由具丰富医疗经验的医生主诊,德福皮肤中心为各种皮肤类型人士提供专业治疗。Consulted by experienced doctors, Telford Skin Centre provides professional treatments to people with all skin types.

不过,在因脚趾骨折而休战两个月后,杰拉德已经再度复出。Just over a week ago Gerrard made his comeback at Telford after spending two months recovering from a broken metatarsal.

莱维特和该学校校长泰勒·德福对Reay的母亲说,她的女儿在这场争论中的表现很差。Leavitt and the school's principal Tyler Telford told Reay's mother that her daughter conducted herself poorly during the argument.

泰尔福德第一次尝试便正式加入了军队,那时他16岁,他在赫尔曼德期间一直向家人介绍自己的工作。Telford signed up with the army at the first possible opportunity, when he was 16, and kept his family posted about his work in Helmand.

特尔福德说,在中国,由于很多富人的财富都是在之前10年左右的时间里挣得的,这里的消费者很希望向身边的人显示他们已经上升到了一个更高的阶层。Given that many wealthy Chinese only earned their riches in the previous decade or so, consumers there are eager to show their peers that they have ascended to a higher class, Ms. Telford said.