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他勤奋极了。He is ever so diligent.

他非常勤快。He was ever so diligent.

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工作勤恳,有团队协作精力。Diligent work with team spirit.

你不勤恳,他也不勤恳。He is no more diligent than you.

与其说他聪明倒不如说他勤奋。He is not so clever as diligent.

他不如他姐姐用功。He is less diligent than his sister.

她工作勤奋的学术课程。She works diligent on academic courses.

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我相信“天道酬勤”。I believe that the God rewards the diligent.

老师们总是鼓励我们勤奋学习。Teachers always encourage us to be diligent.

客家人的后代既勤奋又聪明。Hakka offsprings are diligent and intelligent.

中国人是努力工作勤劳的人。The Chinese are hard working, diligent people.

亨利是我们班上最用功的学生。Henry is the most diligent student in our class.

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只有勤劳努力的人,才会得到自我的进步。Only diligent hard worker, will be self-improvement.

被他翻的破烂的书表明他学习很刻苦。His dogeared book is indicative of his diligent study.

可以坦诚的说,我是一名勤奋好学的优秀学生。To be honest, I am a diligent and outstanding student.

根据记录,他是一位对打卡非常在意的人。For the record, he is very diligent with his punch-card.

谁都不能否认,作为一名演员,刘德华是勤勉的。No one can deny that, as an actor, Andy Liu is diligent.

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然后是一段渐渐抬起头、默默努力的日子。Then is a to raise head gradually, silent and diligent day.

因此我们说,勤奋对所有提升者而言都是适宜的。And so we say that it behooves all initiates to be diligent.

养成勤于学习、善于思考的良好习惯。Nurturance diligent at learning, be good at thinking habits.