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令人生畏的任务摆在我们面前。The task ahead of us was daunting.

这是一个让人望而生畏的数据。That is a daunting enough statistic.

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还有一些被霸气十足的神龙盘绕着。Others are coiled by daunting dragons.

这是一堆使人畏惧的难题。This is a daunting list of challenges.

暗能量依旧是一个更加令人却步的问题。Dark energy is a more daunting problem still.

一开始,模拟对象看上去令人生畏。At first, mock objects can seem quite daunting.

即使它会使一些人沮丧,我还是热爱它。While this might be daunting to some, I love it.

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一座令人生畏的高山不过就是一次挑战而已。A daunting summit is nothing more than a challenge.

“跑一场马拉松”会让人畏缩,但“买运动鞋”不会。“Run a marathon” is daunting. “Buy trainers” isn’t.

脱发可以是一项艰钜的发生在一个人的生活。Hair loss can be a daunting occurrence in one's life.

它可以是艰巨的,即使第二次和第三次的时间妈妈。It can be daunting even for second and third time moms.

首先,去见这位58岁的佩尼先生是有点让人害怕的。At first meeting 58-year-old Mr Penny is a bit daunting.

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起初,走向纯素食的可能性对我而言是令人畏惧的。The prospect of going vegan was daunting to me at first.

这总是让人有些畏惧感的,不过也让人高兴。It's always a little daunting but flattering nonetheless.

维护一个大型的站点可是一个让人畏缩的经历。Maintaining a large Web site canbe a daunting experience.

在内容方面,这些具有挑战性的问题令人生畏。On the content side, the challenges are equally daunting.

我们都知道向别人伸手要钱是很别扭的。We all know that asking people for money can be daunting.

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“简单”-这个很渺小的词,可以让人望而生畏。For a little bitty word, "simple" can be big-time daunting.

不仅仅是梅尔的女主角发现了沃尔泰拉的令人生畏。It is not only Meyer's heroine who found Volterra daunting.

通常来讲,多样性是件好事,但是它也会让人觉得害怕。In general, the variety is good, but it can also be daunting.