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哪里只有有蓬乱的灌木。There were some scraggly bushes, but that was all.

那里只有有蓬乱的灌木。There were some scraggly bushes, but that was all.

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他女儿那些外表邋遢的男朋友们令他紧张不安。He was very uptight about his daughter's scraggly -looking boyfriends.

这头熊有黑色的眼睛,它蓬乱的棕色皮毛上点缀着灰色斑点。The bear had dark eyes, and its scraggly brown fur was dotted with patches of gray.

他穿的破旧,但身上有一股气式,他蓬乱的金色胡子使他的脸更暧和。He was ragged but he had an air of dignity around him. His scraggly blond beard keep more than his face warm.

他衣衫褴褛但是他身上有一股尊严的力量围绕着他,他散乱的、金黄色的胡子使他的脸暖和一点。He was ragged but he had an air of dignity around him. His scraggly blond beard keep more than his face warm.

随后我进入了大学,由于那些锯齿状的粗结,在那匆匆而过的时光里,女学生联谊会的姐妹们却给了我一段非常艰难的时间。Then I went to college, and my sorority sisters gave me a hard time about my scraggly nubs when it was time for rush.

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相比之下,那棵树的“亲戚”——父亲后院里那棵树所结的瘦小果实未免有点相形见绌,但其象征意义远大于此。The scraggly relative making its home in my father's backyard pales in comparison, but its symbolic value is far greater.

没错,一提到骑摩托车的人我们就会联想到那种留长头发,穿皮夹克啊,就是那种比较粗野的形象吧?Okay, some people think that all bikers have long scraggly hair and tattoos and beards. You know, that's the stereotype of a biker.

他轻捋着他那稀稀拉拉的、遮盖了下巴和脖子的胡须,然后他将身子转回办公桌前并朝我这边俯过来。He stroked the scraggly beard that covered his chin and his neck. Then, he returned to his spot behind the desk and leaned toward me.

缠着白色头巾,蓄着长长的胡须,人们冲着这位本拉登的“替身”欢呼和大声的取笑。Wearing a long scraggly beard and the white headgear, so synonymous with the al-Qaeda leader, the imposter was greeted with cheers and jeers.

他胡子拉碴、头发凌乱,皮夹克外套着一件大衣,还拿亮色布条当腰带系上了。With a scraggly beard and long tousled hair, he used bright scraps of fabric as a belt and wore a grubby sheepskin-lined overcoat over a faux leather jacket.

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他胡子拉碴、头发凌乱、衣衫褴褛,皮夹克外套着一件大衣,还拿亮色布条当腰带系上了。With a scraggly beard and long tousled hair, he used bright scraps of fabric as a belt and wore a grubby sheepskin-lined overcoat over a faux leather jacket.

他零乱胡子,祈祷他的额头和厚厚的眼镜冷酷让他看起来更像一个比一个恐怖主脑不愉快和虔诚的校长。His scraggly beard, prayer callous on his forehead and thick glasses make him look more like an unpleasant and pious schoolmaster than a terrorist mastermind.

大约三个世纪以前,两个衣衫褴褛的法国探险家“发现”了伊利诺伊郡且在史前那儿就居住着土著美州人。M ore than three centuries ago, two scraggly French explorers "discovered" the Illinois country and the Native Americans who had lived there since prehistoric times.

当他的照片1月被张贴在网络上,一头凌乱长发、留着胡子、瘦削又突出的颧骨,让程国荣有了「中国最性感流浪汉」和「犀利哥」的绰号。With his long unkempt hair, scraggly beard and prominent cheekbones, Mr Cheng was dubbed 'China's sexiest tramp' and 'Brother Sharp' when the images of him were posted online in January.