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一只激情的河马?Redbull for an hippopotamus ?

河马现在说的这些是什么意思?Now what does Hippopotamus mean by this?

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河马想说些什么来结束此篇?。And so what does Hippopotamus wish to close with?

小河马还没名字呢。The baby hippopotamus has not yet been given a name.

一头河马在加蓬的海岸附近冲浪。A hippopotamus surfs the waves off the coast of Gabon.

这是一个从河马到恐龙的推想。Speculation has ranged from a hippopotamus to a dinosaur.

这是一只河马。这只河马有一个长长的名字。Here is a hippopotamus. The hipppopotamus has a very long name!

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孩子们喜欢看河马在泥中打滚。The children enjoyed watching the hippopotamus wallowing in the mud.

英国政府越看越像是一条吞下河马的巨蟒。The UK government looks increasingly like a python that has swallowed a hippopotamus.

如果狮子是陆上的万兽之王,那麽河马就是河中的霸主。The lion may be king of the jungle, but in the rivers of Africa, the hippopotamus is king.

一天内奥贝琪吸引了1万多的游客并且那首流行音乐——河马波尔卡的灵感也来源于此。Obaysch attracted 10, 000 visitors a day and inspired a popular song, the Hippopotamus Polka.

我告别了河马大叔,游到河边,看见了一朵快要枯萎的花。I said farewell to the hippopotamus uncle, swim to the river, saw the flower soon withered flowers.

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一名生物学家见证了这场屠杀,从中观察到“这就像一只虎斑猫袭击一头河马。”A biologist who has witnessed this carnage observed that "it is like a tabby cat attacking a hippopotamus".

在那些纸莎草纸上,古埃及的艺术家们对吞噬者作了细致的描画——部分是鳄鱼,部分是狮子,还有部分是河马。In these papyri, artists have great fun imagining the Devourer – part crocodile, part lion, part hippopotamus.

印尼,西爪哇,一只四天大的尼罗河公河马和它的妈妈多莉在一起。A four-day old male Nile hippopotamus plays with his mother, Dolly, at Taman Safari in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.

来访巴西动物园的游客将要庆祝一只矮河马的诞生,并未它选出自己的名字。And a zoo in Brazil is celebrating the birth of a rare pigmy hippopotamus by inviting visitors to vote on its name.

在巴西,一家动物园通过邀请游客投票取名的方式来庆祝一只稀有的倭河马的出生。And a zoo in Brazil is celebrating the birth of a rare pigmy hippopotamus by inviting visitors to vote on its name.

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虽然,我们现在已肯定知道鲸来自何处,但是我们也清楚了,河马之说还不够完整。Still, now we knew for sure where whales came from and that the hippopotamus theory wasn't complete science fiction.

在海岸边吃了一整天的青草之后,一只心满意足的河马正大步的跑回它在环礁湖的家去睡觉。After a long day's night of feeding on coastal grasses, a sated hippopotamus tromps back to its home lagoon to sleep.

大多数人永远不会在野外看到狐猴或者河马。但是,所有人都可以在动物园里看到此类来自异域的动物。Most people will never see a lemur or hippopotamus in the wild. But anyone can see exotic animals like these at a zoo.