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标题很愚蠢。Foolish headline.

你的标题十分吸引人。Your headline is very catchy.

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这是希腊的头条新闻。It was headline news in Greece.

使用非描述性主题。Using a non-descriptive headline.

嗯,你没看错标题。Yep, you read that headline right.

我承认,这是个令人气愤的标题。I admit, it's a provocative headline.

能表达出你的特别之处的标题。A headline that says what makes you special.

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新闻标题应该与新闻的语调相配合。A headline should match the tone of the story.

标题为“匆促答辩状的摘要”。The heading is"Headline of Headlong Pleadings".

标题为“仓促答辩状的择要”。the heading is "headline of headlong pleadings".

这家报纸把那条消息以大字标题宣扬出去。The news was blazed in headline of the newspaper.

文牍中的名词“盎司”怎样发音?。How to pronounce the noun "ounce" in the headline?

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标题是否准确地概括了内容?Does the headline summarize the content accurately?

标题的意思是在说,摆脱这些愚蠢的贱女人。Get rid of these stupid bitches, says the headline.

标题说“中国不会反对印度的入常申请”。Headline 'China will not oppose India's UN seat bid'.

他因自己的名字再次出现在大字标题上而喜形于色。He had brightened at having his name in headline again.

报纸上的通栏标题跃然映入我的眼帘。The banner headline leaped out at me from the newspaper.

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为什么你从来没有见过头版头条上写“算命师中大奖”?Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

四天以后,一则关于一盗贼的刊头引起了他的注意。Four days later, a headline about a burglary caught his eye.

为什么你从来没见过头版头条写“算命师中大奖”?Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery "?