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我有好多嘢想写啊!Just want to be the advisor.

于是那大臣继续被关在监狱里。So the advisor remained in prison.

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他们挑选王先生当他们的顾问。They choose Mr. Wang as their advisor.

噢…第一步是给我的导师打电话。Oh-the first step is to call my advisor.

我公司现在有个装修顾问。My company is now have an fitment advisor.

他成了我的朋友、我的知己、我的顾问。He became my friend, confidant, and advisor.

关键是要找到一个好的财务顾问。The key is to find a good financial advisor.

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所以我成了大无用的建议者。So I became a largely useless advisor to him.

论文指导教师推荐书。Recommendation Letter from the Thesis Advisor.

他的左边坐着一只鬣蜥——他的宠物兼参谋。In his left sat an iguana , his pet and advisor.

叫你的缴税咨询师把费用算得再精确些。Ask your tax advisor for a more accurate costing.

他被要求担任该工程顾问。He was asked to act as an advisor on the project.

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论文指导教师推荐书。Letter of Recommendation from the Thesis Advisor.

他最亲近的顾问是一位法术高强的男巫,名叫梅林。His closest advisor was Merlin, a powerful wizard.

受雇于梅内尔林奇的金融顾问斯科特·古柏。Scott Cooper is a financial advisor at Marel Linche.

贾庆林呼吁发展更广泛和更深入的两岸关系。Top advisor urges broader, deeper cross-Strait ties.

我叫弗兰克·达尼,是“网景公司”的法律顾问。My name is Frank Darney, legal advisor to Netcape Com.

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哈哈,最后只是博大家一笑,论文还是要自己好好写!What does matter is who you have for a thesis advisor.

奥巴马的首席中国问题顾问是个经验丰富的中国通。Obama's chief China advisor is an experience China hand.

想想怎样才能吸引到这种类型的建议者?Wondering how you are going to attract this kind of advisor?