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一个是开放和不受控制的。One is open and uncontrolled.

泪,还是止不住的滑落?The tears, or uncontrolled slide?

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撕纸是不受控制的动作。When paper is ripped, it is an uncontrolled action.

这一连串无法控制的裂变,便会产生爆炸。This uncontrolled series of fissions is an explosion.

不受控制的高血压可伤害或置你于死地。Uncontrolled high blood pressure can injure or kill you.

有未被控制的自身免疫或结缔组织疾病。Have an uncontrolled autoimmune or connective tissue disease.

而因着欲罢不能,也导致了其他问题,有如负债等。And uncontrolled playing can lead to other problems like debt.

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比如说,牙龈基本可能是患上的糖尿病的征兆。For example, gum disease can be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes.

发作性痴笑的主要症状就是控制不住地大笑。The main symptom of a gelastic seizure is uncontrolled laughter.

一辆失控的赛车撞向路边旁观的人群。An uncontrolled race car slammed its way into the roadside on lookers.

这形成全世界最后无法控制的脊髓灰质炎的蓄积地。This represents the last uncontrolled reservoir of polio in the world.

任何这些分子的变化都会导致不可控制的细胞生长。Changes to any of these molecules can result in uncontrolled cell growth.

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这就是要保护我们避免受乱来性行为的严重伤害。This protects us from being severely hurt by uncontrolled sexual activity.

我们有两条充分理由反对工业不受控制的发展。We have two good reasons against the uncontrolled development of industry.

一如邬斯宾斯基所解释的,想象是注意力未受控制的结果。As Mr. Ouspensky explains, imagination is a result of uncontrolled attention.

下面500个毫伏,细菌和藻类生长本质上不受抑制。Below 500 millivolts, bacteria and algae growth was essentially uncontrolled.

癌不受控制地传遍全身使这种疾病非常致命。Cancer's uncontrolled spread throughout the body is what makes the disease so deadly.

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和,就不会有失控注射热胶时使用新的KHS喷嘴。And, there can be no uncontrolled injection of hot glue when using the new KHS nozzle.

哈里王子更是一发不可收拾,捂住脸,狂笑起来。后面还有,太长,略掉了。Harry even had to cover his face and duck out of view to hide his uncontrolled guffaws.

在生产环境中不加控制地引入修改会破坏系统。Uncontrolled introduction of changes to the production environment can harm the system.