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特马,是西非加纳的港口。Tema is the port of Ghana in West Africa.

特马,是西非加纳的港口。Tema is the port of Ghana in West Bfrica.

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在加纳共和国的同事有电传机,但没有传真机。A colleague in Ghana had telex but no fax.

他甚至拒绝了有关方面让其飞回加纳的提议。He has refused an offer to fly back to Ghana.

一些人逃到了西部的利比里亚或东部的加纳。Some have fled west to Liberia or east to Ghana.

库马西加纳中南部一城市,位于阿克拉西北。A city of south-central Ghana northwest of Accra.

迦纳曾被英国作为黄金海岸,是其殖民地。Ghana was colonized as the Gold Coast by the British.

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肯尼亚和加纳则步乌干达的后尘。Both Kenya and Ghana have since followed Uganda's lead.

阿什西的大多数毕业生选择了留在国内。Still, a majority of Ashesi’s graduates stays in Ghana.

一名加纳野生动物导游员引导游客漫步。A Ghana Wildlife guide escorts the tourists on the walk.

他还将访问梵蒂冈,随后将前往加纳访问。He will also visit the Vatican before leaving for Ghana.

可可出口收入必须由央行以官价收购。Cocoa export proceeds must be surrendered to Bank of Ghana.

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冈比亚田鼠是从加纳船运到美国的。The Gambian rats were shipped to the United States from Ghana.

今天在加纳,每2人中就有1人使用电信服务。In Ghana today, one in two people has access to telecom services.

当然,奥巴马在他去年的加纳之行上十分谦恭有礼。Certainly, Obama was courteous enough in his trip last year to Ghana.

迦纳成为首个赢得20岁以下世界杯的足球队。Ghana has become the first African team to win the Under-20 World Cup.

因此,人们只是沿着这条主干道,移动到南加纳。Hence, people just follow this trunk road, move to the southern Ghana.

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加纳十年前,加利福尼亚州圣克鲁兹市的克雷格•卡尔菲突然想出个主意。GHANA Ten years ago, Craig Calfee of Santa Cruz, California, had an idea.

加纳U-20新星阿迪亚承认转会米兰让他很惊奇。Ghana U20 star Dominic Adiyiah admits his move to AC Milan has surprised him.

这个鼓舞人心的故事,来自西非的默罕默德·阿萨克。This is the inspiring story of Mr. Mohammed Issaka from Ghana in West Africa.