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为西斯征服者输血的就是“星际煅炉”。Fueling the Sith conquest was the Star Forge.

但是在西斯大君的面前她无处可藏。But nothing could hide her from the Sith Lord.

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快乐的骑士在马上英姿飒爽。Full jolly knight he seemd, and faire did sith.

终于,绝地和西斯之间命运的对决又要再一次展开了。For the first time in ages, Jedi and Sith dueled.

这是许多年以来,绝地和西斯的第一次对决。For the first time in ages, Jedi and Sith dueled.

那伽•萨多写过很多关于西斯炼金术的文章。Naga Sadow wrote many texts concerning the art of Sith alchemy.

回到家后,感冒了。一直在流鼻涕,不爽。I cold sith comed back home, Always runing at the nose, NO good.

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阿纳金斩断下杜库的双手,使这位西斯尊主顿时丧失了战斗力。Anakin sliced off Dooku's hands, rendering the Sith Lord harmless.

天行者是真正的战利品,天才的学徒,新的西斯。Skywalker was the true prize, the gifted apprentice, the new Sith.

知益,一如既往与您携手走向成功!Zhiyi, assures that we will stride to success sith you hand in hand!

他在西斯墓地星球科里班的废墟中学习。He studied the ancient ruins on the Sith mausoleum world of Korriban.

两人展开决斗,最终阿纳金在帕尔帕廷的唆使下杀死了这位西斯尊主。The two dueled, and at Palpatine's goading, Anakin killed the Sith Lord.

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他意识到,直接挑战西斯将必败无疑。He realized that directly confronting the Sith would be doomed to failure.

在寻求终极的西斯学徒时,他暴露了自己的身份。His identity was exposed during his quest for the ultimate Sith apprentice.

塔里斯和丹图因等星球就感受了这个西斯尊主的愤怒。Planets such as Taris and Dantooine felt the might of the Sith Lord's wrath.

为了遮掩自己扭曲的面容,西迪厄斯重新穿起古朴的西斯长袍。To conceal his disfigured visage, Sidious returned to his simple Sith robes.

阿萨吉之前,我们以前从未真正曝光过一个女性西斯。Before Asajj, we'd never really had any real exposure to a female Sith before.

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他跪倒在达斯·西迪厄斯面前,宣告成为西斯的仆从。He knelt before Darth Sidious, proclaiming himself to be a servant of the Sith.

阿纳金尾随阿萨吉穿过超空间来到雅文4号卫星上的古西斯神殿。Anakin followed Asajj through hyperspace to the ancient Sith temples of Yavin 4.

当这位学徒继承他后,新的西斯大君会自己找个徒弟。When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice.