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捕捉强盗,第一的捕捉魁首。To catch bandits , first catch the ringleader.

作为社区管理者的您同时也是社区的领导者。You, as the community manager, are their ringleader.

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这就是侵犯你土地的那伙人的头子。Here is the ringleader of the gang that trespassed on your grounds.

虽然丹尼拥有这家公司,但喀尔文才是真正的幕后大头目。Although Denny owns this company, it is Calvin who is the ringleader.

经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。By trial,he confessed that he was the ringleader of this criminal gang.

这部电视剧以其时尚元素著称,而凯莉就是其中的时尚领军人物。In a show known for its fabulous fashion, Carrie was the style ringleader.

曾被指控为2004年马德里火车爆炸案的头目现已被宣告无罪。The accused ringleader of the 2004 Madrid train bombings has been acquitted.

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人们普遍认为是塞缪尔·亚当斯策划了这次活动。Samuel Adams was widely considered to be the ringleader of the demonstration.

聚众斗殴罪的主体是首要分子和积极参加者。The subject who may commit the affray Crime is ringleader and active participant.

娜塔莎的妈妈说服马戏团团长训练娜塔莎成为一名老虎驯兽师。Natasha's mother convinced the ringleader to let Natasha train to be a tiger trainer.

索马里一名海盗元凶在宣布独立的邦特兰州某法院被判处死刑。A pirate ringleader has been sentenced to death by a court in the breakaway Somali state of Puntland.

嫌疑犯照片此人乃阿拉伯籍医生,怀疑是英国爆炸案主谋。This man, an Iraqui doctor, is the suspected ringleader behind the recent terror attacks in the U. K.

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当技术小组最终暴露了在加拿大的年轻人生活头目,但可以预见的结果是可悲的。When TSG eventually exposed the ringleader as a young man living in Canada, however, the results were predictably pathetic.

假如Google能够成为彻底转变我们网络数字生活的主导者,那么其潜在的回报将是巨大的。And the potential reward is huge if Google has its way as the ringleader of the complete transition to our digital lives on the web.

对组织、领导犯罪集团的首要分子,按照集团所犯的全部罪行处罚。A ringleader who organizes and leads a criminal group shall be given a punishment according to all the crimes the group has committed.

在facebook上传播多达10万张儿童淫秽图像的网络犯罪头目被判监禁四年。The ringleader of an international network who shared up to 100,000 indecent images of children on Facebook has been jailed for four years.

对组织、领导犯罪集团的首要分子,按照集团所犯的全部罪行处罚。Any ringleader who organizes or leads a criminal group shall be punished on the basis of all the crimes that the criminal group has committed.

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犯罪集团的首要分子对集团所犯全部罪行承担刑事责任,一般主犯则只对其参与、组织、指挥的全部犯罪承担刑事责任。The chief element or ringleader is responsible for all crime of mob, while the general principal offender is responsible for those that involved himself.

对首要分子和积极参加者的处罚也要根据其在聚众斗殴罪中作用大小分清主次,分别处罚。The punishment to ringleader and protagonist also need to distinguish primary and secondary function among the crime of affray, differentiate punishment.

造成2004年马德里火车爆炸案的犯罪团伙头目被宣布无罪释放,另有三名主犯被判谋杀等罪。The accused ringleader of the 2004 Madrid train bombings has been acquitted . The three lead defendants were found guilty of mass murder and other charges.