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不苦吗?Is it bitter?

真理味苦。Truth taste bitter.

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你是否苦毒愤怒?。Are you bitter or angry?

苦味植物,苦艾。To make bitter in flavor.

白饭吃不成,只好苦一生。Can eat rice, bitter life.

他怀着强烈的仇恨。He harbored bitter hatred.

在这片盲聋的大地上。In this blind bitter land.

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它太苦,喝不了。It is too bitter to drink.

葡萄酒中的苦涩味就是单宁。Tannin has a bitter taste.

这天晚上酷寒难当。The night was bitter cold.

这咖啡太苦了。This coffee tastes bitter.

记取苦涩的一课。Remember the bitter lesson.

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仁慧挤出了苦涩的笑容。RenHui squeeze bitter smile.

寒冷刺骨,星辰明亮。Bitter cold and bright stars.

比苦牛油好的牛油。Better than her bitter butter.

昨夜天气酷寒。It was bitter cold last night.

皮普金苦笑了一笑。Pipkin laughed a bitter laugh.

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她语无伦次地诉说她悲惨的命运。She raved out her bitter fate.

第一道就是苦茶。The first course is bitter tea.

接着他吃了些很苦的药。Then he took some bitter pills.