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不幸降临于可怜的士兵身上。Woe betide the poor soldier.

这预兆表明会产生较好的效果。The omens betide better results.

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如果他作恶,但愿天降祸于他。Woe betide him if he does evils.

哀叹没有新的奇迹会降临。Mournful that no new wonder may betide.

无论发生什么事,我们将永远是朋友。We shall remain friends whatever may betide.

但我的主去进取,导致无论发生于。But my Lord goes ahead, leads whatever betide.

我要是周末不做完家庭作业,就该倒霉。Woe betide me if I haven't done my homework over the weekend.

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这是托马斯的地盘,进入这个地盘的其他猫会倒霉。This is Thomas' territory and woe betide any other cat that enters.

但在新年那天进行清扫则预示着灾难,会把未来一年的好运气都扫走了。But woe betide those who clean on new year's day, for you will be sweeping away good fortune in the year ahead.

是的。有时候它们比这的猫还要大。如果有猫咪敢追着老鼠进入下水道并进入老鼠巢穴的话,那猫就死定了。For sure. They outgrow the cats here at times. Woe betide any feline who chases a rat down a sewer and into a rat's nest.

因此,对于那些在中国出生,或是父母为中国人的人来说,如果要想以身试法,必定会受到来自政府的惩处。So woe betide anyone who was born in China or whose parents were Chinese, who are sure to feel the full force of Beijing's powers if they are deemed to have broken the rules.