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你系好鞋带子没系好。You didn't tie your shoelace.

你的鞋带松了。Your shoelace has come loose.

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我歌唱我的鞋带是因为I sing about my shoelace because

弯下身来系鞋带。I bent down and tied my shoelace.

特雷福,让我帮你把鞋带系上吧。Trevor, let me tie your shoelace.

它老了,鞋带破旧了。it is old and the shoelace is torn.

你的鞋带松了,请系一下。Your shoelace got loose , please fasten it.

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你甚至不会在我这儿得到一副鞋带或一个袋子。Not for so much as a pair of shoelace or a bag of Bugler.

我让对手等一下,以便于我可以系鞋带。I asked my tennis partner to hold up so I could tie my shoelace.

提姆一屁股坐了下来,靠在粗糙的树皮上,重新系起鞋带。Tim sat heavily and leaned against rough bark to retie a shoelace.

小男孩把它的鞋种在了花园里,鞋上又穿了个新鞋带。Baby planted his shoe in the garden, with a new shoelace tied in a bow.

孩子,现在我常忘了扣扣子、系鞋带。The child, now I often forgot to buckle the knot, the department shoelace.

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把它系在鞋带或细线上,钓鱼线就大功告成了。Attach it to a shoelace or a string, and you've got yourself a fishing line.

这第二个通过的鞋带孔通过保持这一结好和紧张。This second pass of shoelace through the eyelet keeps this knot nice and tight.

更换滑花边或变更您的鞋带结是更好的选择。Replacing slippery laces or changing your Shoelace Knot are better alternatives.

他也只有一条领带,都毛边儿了,而且油乎乎的,看上去更像一根鞋带。He also only owns one tie, so frayed and greasy that it looks more like a shoelace.

鞋带松了,也应走到没人的地方系好。The shoelace has relaxed , the place also should go to a nobody has finished being.

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如果你有什么尖利的东西能做鱼钩,鞋带就可以当钓鱼线。If you have a sharp object to use as a hook, a shoelace can make a decent fishing line.

细胞每次分裂时,端粒会缩短,就像鞋带两端的塑料头会被磨损一样。Every time a cell divides, the telomeres shorten, like plastic tips fraying on a shoelace.

我刚开始就输了,输在了起跑线上,低头一看,原来是我的鞋带松了。I just started to lose, lose at the starting line, looked down and it was my shoelace loose.