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两个肮里肮脏的小男孩在那正挖着什么。The two grubby small boys are digging there.

我的母亲常常抱怨,说圣诞节玩具肮脏不堪,没到复活节就被遗忘了。My mother used to complain that the Christmas toys were grubby and forgotten by Easter.

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在肮脏的奶油色的油漆剥落的墙壁,露出了开心果的绒毛。The grubby cream-colored paint is peeling off the walls, revealing a pistachio undercoat.

他一看见她,就歪着脸举着一个受伤的指头哭起来了。When he saw her, his face puckered and he began to cry, holding up a grubby bruised finger.

地面上,穿越奥林匹克场地的曾经肮脏的跌路已经被新的基础设施取代。The Overground, a once grubby railway that crosses the Olympic site, has new infrastructure.

我和我的小脏狗,就是一个大块头的垃圾。又新颜色又蓝,当我两岁的时候,现在它看起来很“朋克”风。Me and my Grubby Pup, just a hunk of junk. New and blue, when I was two, now he's lookin' punk.

想像另一个小孩,正尝试爬到耶稣膝上,他肮脏的手弄污了耶稣的衣裳。Picture grubby hands smearing Jesus' clothes as another little one tries to climb onto Jesus' lap.

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两个肮里肮脏的长着亚麻色头发的小男孩正在前院的杂草丛里挖什么东西。The two grubby small boys with two-coloured hair who were digging among the ragweed in front yard.

这看起来和自工业革命初期以来就在德比兴盛的脏乱的制造业工厂相去甚远。It seems far away from the grubby manufacturing that Derby has pioneered since the dawn of the industrial revolution.

事实上,在靠近满是灰尘的巷子里的垃圾堆放处,这个肮脏的院子里摆放着这台透析设备,让人毫无兴趣。Indeed, the grubby courtyard next to a rubbish tip down the dirt lane housing the equipment does not inspire confidence.

但这番努力却遭到村民和地方政治家的强烈抵抗,他们认为这些居无定的的流浪者,是污秽不堪的外来户。But such efforts have met fierce resistance from villagers and local politicians, who see the roamers as grubby outsiders.

一个渔民躺在肮脏的床上呻吟着,一手捂着他那巨大的肚子,一手抓着他的老婆。A fisherman lies groaning on a grubby bed, clutching his distended belly with one hand, clasping his wife’s hand with the other.

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巴西库里提巴市长海梅•勒纳将一个破旧的城市改造成全世界的城市规划者都艳羡的“天堂”,而且没花多少钱。As mayor of Curitiba, Jaime Lerner revamped a grubby city into the envy of urban planners worldwide – without spending much money.

虽然你仍然会忍不住的想去抽雪茄,但是没关系,这些无味的蓝色口香糖棒可以满足你的口腹之欲。And since you can't keep your grubby paws off that case of Cubans here are some flavorless blue gum rods that'll surely hit the spot.

抹去额头上成串的汗珠,阿齐兹先生在柜台上捻熄一节生蛆的方头雪茄,并展开手掌大的光滑印度槟榔包叶。Wiping beads of sweat from his forehead, Mr Aziz stubs out a grubby cheroot on his counter and unwraps a glossy paan leaf the size of his palm.

对于普罗富莫先生,这位前麦肯锡顾问,来说,这一切足够了吗?他一直以来热衷于讨论未来的宏伟蓝图,却很少愿意提到银行业的种种坑脏细节。Will that suffice for the ex-McKinsey consultant who talks animatedly about the big picture, but far less so about the grubby minutiae of banking?

那些举止得体、衣服纽扣会一丝不苟全部系上的管理者们居然会把食物吃得啧啧山响、舔着嘴唇、或是把脏兮兮的塑料餐具扔得到处都是,看起来真是有些不可思议。Seemingly otherwise normal, perfectly mannered, even buttoned-up executives can slurp, lick their lips or leave grubby plasticware around the office.

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他胡子拉碴、头发凌乱,皮夹克外套着一件大衣,还拿亮色布条当腰带系上了。With a scraggly beard and long tousled hair, he used bright scraps of fabric as a belt and wore a grubby sheepskin-lined overcoat over a faux leather jacket.

他胡子拉碴、头发凌乱、衣衫褴褛,皮夹克外套着一件大衣,还拿亮色布条当腰带系上了。With a scraggly beard and long tousled hair, he used bright scraps of fabric as a belt and wore a grubby sheepskin-lined overcoat over a faux leather jacket.

最后,暖调白一般以棕色为底色,应用在做污垢的衣物或者是比较真实的描绘,比如一些在魔戒里的模型。And, finally, warmer whites that are underlined with browns, often used for grubby linen or in more realistic portrayals, such as figures in The Load of The Rings.