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看门人是个六十岁的矮胖子。The gateman was a stodgy fellow of60.

利物浦的中场看起来慢吞吞的,很平凡。Liverpool's midfield looked slow and stodgy.

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不过,它的价格也一直很高,而且内容有些枯燥。But it has always been expensive, and a bit stodgy.

记得当时的制造业是多么古老、沉闷、无法令人兴奋?Remember when manufacturing was old, stodgy and unexciting?

猪肉派、油酥点心和肉肠和土豆泥-你想来点英国的浓厚食物吗?Pork pies, pasties and bangers and mash. Do you fancy some stodgy British food?

很明显,小提琴,不光是文艺复兴时的老古董So obviously the violin is not just this stodgy old thing from the Renaissance.

在阅读这些乏味的哲学家,我觉得他的透明风格非常愉快。After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable.

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消费者对PC制造商可能也有产品笨重、不够炫等先入为主的看法.PC makers might also be saddled with perceptions of being stodgy and less than cool.

这个网路系统给我很多选择,老旧纸笔测验成为陈腔滥调。It gives me many options using this web-based system. The old paper-and-pencil tests are stodgy.

不满足于仅仅抛弃其顽固的形象于货架上,Burberry还在数码科技上变得更加精明。Not content simply to jettison its stodgy image on the racks, Burberry has also been digitally savvy.

作为一名青少年,萨凡纳认为电视上那些索然无味的老人们与她的生活无关。As a teen, Savannah Lengsfelder thought the stodgy old men she saw on C-SPAN had no connection to her life.

通过整合实现了诸国从笨拙的前苏联属国向经济发动机的转变。U. membership, and in doing so shepherded their makeovers from stodgy Soviet vassals into economic dynamos.

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服膏方期间应忌食生冷、油腻、辛辣等不易消化及有较强刺激性的食物。Take cream square during should diet raw or cold food, fat, acrimony etc stodgy reach have stronger excitant food.

布赖恩的厨艺让人高兴,并且很快驱走了传统的英国肉菜和三个蔬菜的伙食厚腻不好消化,让人乏味的流言。Brian's culinary delights soon dispel the myth that traditional English meat and three veg fare is stodgy and dull.

于是,我们便有一些人讨厌考试,说考试太死板,太机械。Therefore, we then had some people to take a test repugnantly, said that the test was too stodgy , was too mechanical.

这一节目的前提是著名的厨师返回原盘重新审视一些平庸的英国经典。The premise of the show is for the acclaimed chef to reexamine some stodgy British classics by going back to the roots of the original dish.

但一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革,依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送礼品,庆祝新年。But some stodgy people opposed the reform in accordance with the old and still stubbornly, on April 1, this gift one day, celebrate the New Year.

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这与满是高高在上的热门股的投资组合不同。在这些热门股票流行的时期,我们会显得非常古板枯燥。It has little in common with a portfolio of high-flying glamour stocks and during periods of popularity for the latter, we may appear quite stodgy.

戴尔正发奋图强,誓在消费者市场上有一番更大的作为,并努力改变在公众心目中戴尔电脑设计古板的印象。Dell is bound and determined to show that it can be a bigger player in the consumer market.The company also is trying to shake its reputation for stodgy design.

我国股指期货市场的发展路径应当采用“先立法,后建场”的模式,但是这种模式不能过于死板和教条化。The SIF- market's development of our country should adopt the"legislates first, constructs later"pattern, but this kind of pattern cannot be too stodgy and doctrinal.