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抗菌素耐药性将现代医学的成就置于危险境地。The achievements of modern medicine are put at risk by AMR.

抗菌素耐药性会威胁到卫生安全并破坏贸易和经济AMR threatens health security, and damages trade and economies

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最后在第六章指出了抄表技术的发展趋势。The last chapter points out the development trends of AMR technology.

“埃及所有的爱穆萨说,”阿里哈桑,一名21岁的学生。"All of Egypt loves Amr Moussa, " says Ali Hassan, a 21-year-old student.

想了解更多有关AMR解决方案,请和RAMAR或RAMAR商业伙伴联系。For more information on AMR Solutions contact RAMAR or a RAMAR Business Partner.

RAMAR的每一安装点的费用与其它AMR系统相比极具竟争性。RAMAR's cost per installed point is very competitive compared with other AMR systems.

结合实际的某一电厂的厂用电抄表系统,详尽的阐述了系统的原理及其实现。Expatiate the theory and realization of the system with actual power plant AMR system.

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自适应码本搜索算法是3G移动通信标准AMR的重要组成。The adaptive codebook search is one of the key component in the 3G s speech standard AMR.

该车辆探测器由三维AMR传感器及相应的信号处理电路组成。The vehicle detector consisted of a three-axis AMR sensor and related signal processing circuit.

迫切需要全球和国家采取多部门应对行动,抵御日益增长的抗菌素耐药威胁。A global and national multi-sectoral response is urgently needed to combat the growing threat of AMR.

随着水、电、气市场管理改革的不断深入、对自动抄表技术的研究必将成为热点与方向。With management revolution in the water, power and gas management, the AMR research is becoming a trend.

用微加工工艺制做出了几种AMR传感器元件,并给出了测试结果。Some AMR sensors were made by the micro-fabrication technique, and the testing results were also presented.

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它的母公司AMR认为这些新的单走道飞机会改变美国航空公司的飞机队伍。Its parent company AMR Corporation added that the new single-aisle planes would "transform" American's fleet.

过去十年中,阿姆·卡勒德,一个欧洲的传教士,曾经的一名会计,现在成了这样的一个电视布道者,也是这一传统中的领导者之一。For the past ten years Amr Khaled, an Egyptian one-time accountant turned televangelist star, has led the way.

环球网记者王欣报道,据英国媒体报道,利比亚外长穆萨。Global Network reporter Wang Xin reports, according to British media reports, Libyan Foreign Minister Amr Moussa.

本程序是语音编码程序,压缩的是AMR语音编码器最新的编码和解码程序26073。This procedure is a speech coding process, compression is the latest AMR speech coder encoding and decoding process 26073.

我们使用超级记忆体小巧的AMR格式,所以您可以真正的在今天的现代内存卡上记录数千小时的来电。We use super memory light AMR format, so you can literally record thousands of hours of calls on today's modern memory cards.

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如果说一位政治家的目标是吸引最广泛的基础,那么穆斯林兄弟会的候选人阿姆尔·扎基的工作做得非常好。If it is a politician's goal to appeal to the widest base, then Muslim Brotherhood candidate Amr Zaki is very good at his job.

它的体积小,是构造AMR无线网状网络的理想选择,因为这种情况下中继器安装起来太过复杂或成本过高。Its small footprint is ideal for building AMR Wireless Mesh networks where repeaters are too complicated to set-up or too costly.

刚和希拉里通电话。她对阿穆尔·穆萨的摇摆感到愤怒。网上不久大概就会有他妥协的照片了。Just spoke to Hillary. She's furious about Amr Moussa's flip-flopping. Expect to see those compromising photos of him online soon.