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一定是政治欺骗。There must be political skullduggery afoot!

这一次,我们的马穆迪耶之行完全没有这些担忧。This time around, our trip was entirely lacking in skullduggery.

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由于住在华盛顿,他习惯了阴谋和政治欺诈。Living in Washington he became accustomed to intrigue and political skullduggery.

欢迎您在Facebook和谷歌的升级战中接受一场新的头脑风暴。Welcome to a new level skullduggery in the growing war between Facebook and Google.

其后几秒内,泰森又重复了同样的咬人动作,于是他立马被取消了比赛资格。Within seconds, Tyson repeated the same skullduggery and was promptly disqualified.

随便问一位中国学生对于学术欺骗的看法,其若无其事的态度会让你非常震惊。Ask any Chinese student about academic skullduggery and the response is startlingly nonchalant.

但是近年来大量上市公司会计信息造假案频频发生,说明注册会计师职业中存在着执业质量低下的问题。The frequent emergences of financial skullduggery of listed company indicate that the auditing service of CPA is of low quality.

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夏玛仁波切的信众们认为达赖喇嘛作为格鲁派领袖却承认邬金钦列多杰的地位是一种欺骗手法。Adherents of Shamar Rinpoche consider Ogyen Trinley Dorje's acknowledgement by the Dalai Lama as a piece of low, Gelugpa skullduggery.

如果这种放任违法犯罪的坏名声属实的话,那拥有全球将近四分之一境外资本的瑞士就大难临头了。If this reputation for skullduggery is right, Switzerland, home to about one-quarter of the world's offshore money, is in big trouble.

但是,维基网最近泄露的分类珍藏文件让人了解并确信的,却是没有任何真正的偷梁换柱之术。But what struck us, and reassured us, about the latest trove of classified documents released by WikiLeaks was the absence of any real skullduggery.

这位24岁的年轻门将透露在星期五的练习会议中他被视为不重要的角色,或者因为教练是有一些令人敬畏的战术想法。The 24-year-old stopper revealed that he had been a peripheral figure in Friday's training session, perhaps because Hornets boss Aidy Boothroyd feared some skullduggery.

美国开国元勋的民主理想是一件值得骄傲的事,但这个充满间谍、秘密和欺骗勇敢新世界却没有任何值得骄傲之处。The democratic ideals of the US' founding fathers are something to be proud of, but there'snothing to be proud of in this brave new world of spying, secrecy and skullduggery.

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随着改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济的发展,会计作假问题日益严重。With the deepening of Reform and Opening up policy and the development of socialistic market economy, the problem of accounting skullduggery is getting more and more serious.

富兰克林·罗斯福把国家对华尔街的恐惧转变成了银行与证券监管政策,将联邦政府建成为反对金融欺诈的坚强堡垒。Franklin Roosevelt was able to parlay the country’s fears of Wall Street into bank and securities regulation, establishing the federal government as a bulwark against financial skullduggery.