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他们做尸体解剖了吗?Did they do an autopsy ?

所以你认为我们应该做尸体解剖吗?。So you think we should do the autopsy?

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所以他在解剖室门口停了下来,没有直接推门而入。And so he did, as he stood outside the autopsy room.

他要海伦。玛格纳斯对他的尸体进行解剖。He wants Helen Magnus to perform an autopsy on his body.

尸体解剖表明托林通死的时候正患病。The autopsy showed Torrington was an ill man when he died.

他的遗体经过解剖后,两名医生还在互相推托着责任。After the autopsy the doctors blamed each other for the death

本周一的下午将在伦敦进行验尸。An autopsy is due to be performed Monday afternoon in London.

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但是周二进行的验尸结果显示她的身体并没有外伤的痕迹。But an autopsy Tuesday found no evidence of trauma on her body.

尸检将会探明该妇女的死因。An autopsy will determine an official cause of death, Pino said.

罗桑天立刻要求对李梦露尸体解剖。Collect mulberry day asks to show autopsy to Limeng immediately.

或许吧。但是他们没有向家属出示任何的验尸报告。Maybe. But they haven't showed any autopsy report to the family.

最终从尸检采集的肺样本中分离出病毒。Virus was eventually isolated from lung samples taken at autopsy.

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目前验尸官正在进行解剖,以确定其死因。An autopsy is being conducted to determine the cause of his death.

巴哈马官员正准备对约翰·卓佛塔的儿子进行尸检。Bahamian officials are preparing for an autopsy on John Travolta's son.

结果经剖腹探查确诊8例,尸解确诊1例。Results There were 8 cases proved by laparotomy, and 1 case by autopsy.

一个验尸官的发言人说本周末将进行尸体解剖。A coroner's spokesman said an autopsy would be performed laterthis week.

我想每个新雇员都应该在第一个夜班亲身体验一个尸体解剖。I think every new hire should experience an autopsy on their first night.

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在三名死亡的病人,在尸体检查中,没有检测到反常情况。No abnormalities were observed at autopsy in the three patients who died.

美国民众到现在还没看过X光胶片和尸检照片。The American public has yet to see the real X-rays and autopsy photographs.

图4显示了这些隐窝的位置和其尸检的检出率。Figure 4 shows the locations of these fossae and their frequencies at autopsy.