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它们的功能是为政府的决策签字,让其合法化。Their function is to endorse and legitimise decisions made by the Kremlin.

实践上如何不得而知,但反对派却担心,暴民控制也可能会合法化。How it would work in practice is unclear, but critics fear that it will legitimise mob rule.

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迈尔斯表示,这可能是因为劳动党的支持,是从法定角度确立新领导人的重要基础。Myers says this could be because party support is seen as important to legitimise a new leader.

没有这一点,它只会合法化和永久化美——以方针。Without this, it would only legitimise and perpetuate the American-Israeli negotiations formula.

我们反对美国任何的企图,以通过在伊拉克建立亲美国政权,来合法化美国的侵占。We oppose the attempt by the US to legitimise its occupation through the setting up of a pro-US regime in Iraq.

该理论的可信性主要在于生物学视自然选择为正统学说。Its credibility depends largely on the reflected glamour of natural selection which biology proper is said to legitimise.

微软、雅虎及其他公司正在促使审查向全球IT经济模式靠拢,使之制度化与合法化。Microsoft, Yahoo and others are helping to institutionalise and legitimise the integration of censorship into the global IT business model.

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这个大国民议会是一个在波恩建立起来的分配权利的安排,解决了一些代表席位不平均的问题。This loya jirga is intended to legitimise the power sharing arrangement set up in Bonn and begin to iron out at least some of the inequalities in representation.

它致力于让传统知识合法化,并且通过向专利办公室提供信息用于交叉审查新专利申请从而保护传统知识不被生物剽窃和专利申请侵害。It aims to legitimise traditional knowledge and protect it from biopiracy and patent claims by providing information to patent offices for cross-checking of new applications.

这些活动家通过在专业杂志上发表观点文章并相互引用从而让他们的理由合法化,同时基本忽略科学的主流。These activists legitimise their cause by publishing opinion articles in professional journals and quoting each other liberally, while essentially ignoring the mainstream of science.

菲律宾南海仲裁案的本质是菲方妄图单方面将其不法占领南沙群岛岛礁合法化。It is important to understand that this arbitration process was in fact started by the Philippines unilaterally as an attempt to legitimise their illegal occupation of the Nansha islands and reefs.