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音量从极弱到最强的分级。Graduate the volume from pianissimo to fortissimo.

绝望的决斗!机动要塞超强音!The Duel of Despair! Fortissimo the Moving Fortress!

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当我们唱或弹出一段很强的乐曲,它必须是有好的控制。When we sing or play a fortissimo passage it must be controlled.

把一个帅哥放倒在地上,这种感觉真是太棒了。Laying a sexy man flat on the ground feels like a fortissimo inside.

身体通常通过肩部来弹出强音,如上面我们所讨论的。The body is used to play fortissimo through the shoulders, as discussed above.

用这种方法可以弹奏那些飞快的激动人心的最强的八度音阶与和弦。This is the way to play some of the most spectacularly rapid fortissimo octaves and chords.

随后是第二轮最强音,与第一轮相似,但更短、显得也不那么重要。A second fortissimo phase follows, similar to the first, but shortened and possibly less significant.

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弦乐和木管乐器有规则地徘徊于广阔的第三主题,在最后奏出一段最强音。Strings and woodwind steadily wander through the said extensive third theme, attaining at last fortissimo.

坐得离琴远一点,也让你在弹重音时有足够的空间去向前俯伏。Sitting farther away from the piano also gives you more space to lean forwards in order to play fortissimo.

接下来,钢琴和交响乐团相互追逐着,交响乐团的低音部分最终演变成两拍子的重音。Over the next pages, piano and orchestra chase each other, the orchestral bass section finally cantering up to two fortissimo hits.

几小节之后,音量降下,然后钢琴以最强音强有力地爆发出沉重刺耳的和弦。For several bars the volume draws back, then erupts into a powerfully sad fortissimo with heavy, dissonant chords in the piano part.

如果您试图攻击以极大的速度,以实现一个大柔弱,你将得到所有的努力是一项艰钜而令人不快的触底回馈通过你的手指。If you are trying to attack with great speed, in order to achieve a great fortissimo , you All efforts will be an arduous and unpleasant bottom feedback through your fingers.

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最后,独奏者给出清晰的趋势,一步步向上爆发为沉重的最强音和弦,大号和圆号在低音区将其延续。In the end the soloist adopts a clear direction, climbing step by step and bursting into a ponderous fortissimo of full- fisted chords, sustained by tuba and horns in the bass.

钢琴以一种几乎很难实行的行动终止了自己愤怒的演奏,两只手同时跳跃到三或四个八度以上并弹奏十六分音符的最强音。The piano puts a momentary end to its own fury with a barely feasible manoeuvre, both hands jumping up three or four octaves simultaneously and fortissimo in the time of a semiquaver.