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马拉松凝望着海涛汹汹。And Marathon looks on the sea.

如何为参加马拉松比赛进行训练呢?How do you train for a marathon?

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我去年参加了马拉松滑冰。I skated in a marathon last year.

马拉松的赛程是42.195公里。Marathon is 42.195 kilometers long.

马拉松的赛程是42.195公里。Marathon is 42.195 kilometers long.

他在马拉松赛跑中轻而易举地获胜。He romped home in the marathon race.

在跑马拉松的中途我就放弃了。I give up halfway through the marathon.

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缔造一家伟大的企业就像跑一场马拉松。Building a great business is a marathon.

这就是波士顿马拉松赛的起点That's where The Boston Marathon starts.

你今年去跑半程马拉松吗?Are you running a half marathon this year?

在马拉松运动上你的训练量有多大?How hard do you have to train in marathon?

那导致一场日与夜工作的耐心比赛。That led to a day-and-night work marathon.

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人们夹道观看马拉松赛跑。People lined the streets to watch marathon.

我当前正为了半程马拉松进行训练。I am currently training for a half marathon.

我是在高山学校溜冰马拉松赛的现场向您报道。I'm you the Hilltop School Skating Marathon.

假设你的哥哥参加了一场马拉松赛跑。Let's say, your brother just ran a marathon.

这是你第一次参加纵列式滑冰马拉松比赛吗?Was this your first inline skating marathon?

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让我们把我的马拉松目标作为一个例子来看看。Let’s look at my marathon goal as an example.

他是马拉松世界纪录保持者。He is the world record holder in the marathon.

在过去的两年里,他跑了第49个马拉松。In the last 2 years, he ran his 49th marathon.