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留下了柏林城市风光的又一块大缺口。What remains is yet another gap in the Berlin cityscape.

另一个场景是都市风光的素描草稿。Another is a crude rendering of a metropolitan cityscape.

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在西北方向,沙丘则被城市所截断。In the northwest, the dunes are interrupted by cityscape.

闪电照亮了马来西亚城市景观后面的地平线。Lightning illuminates the horizon behind a Malaysian cityscape.

由于城市已经发生了变化,所以,很多照片变得意味深长。As the cityscape has changed, many of the pictures have accrued meaning.

他说,北京的市容和空气质量也大为改善。He said that Beijing's cityscape and air quality have improved since then.

事实上,那里的风光是迄今为止我在中国所见的城市中最迷人的。In fact, it is by far the most charming cityscape I have ever seen in China.

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站在科洛桑那广阔城市的顶端俯视这景象,可以发现那是何等的美丽。Beings watching from rooftops of Coruscant 's endless cityscape can find it beautiful.

运河–有些清澈得足以养鱼–蜿蜒穿过这副迷人的城市景观。Canals-some clean enough to sustain fish-wend their way through this charming cityscape.

它还与城市较好地融合,这比其他大部分大学做得都好,However, it's integrated into the, the cityscape much more so than a lot other colleges.

设计延续城市景观“梨乡水城”的总体规划目标,构筑“西园东水”的城市景观空间。The target of masterplan is doing the extension of cityscape that the 'Pear-water Country'.

它创建了一种典型城市风貌,其包含一套具有场地特色的城市水资源管理系统。The approach builds a representative cityscape expressive of place-based urban water management.

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广州所面临的挑战是如何将自行车重新引入到一个本适于其生存的城市体系中的问题。In Guangzhou, the challenge was to re-introduce bikes to a cityscape that had once welcomed them.

她在离人群几百英尺远的公园长凳上坐了下来。Instead, she sits on a park bench a few hundred feet away. The bench overlooks the cityscape below.

尖顶下必须是一个圆形房间,其中有窗,能让人向外眺望科洛桑的都市风景。The spire had to house a round room, with windows giving a view out over the cityscape of Coruscant.

上海莱亭景观工程有限公司——中国照明学会会员之一,是专业从事灯光设计工程的高科技企业。Acad. , is a high-tech enterprise which specialized in the light project engineering of the cityscape.

住宅内部的房间日照非常充足,同时还配备了可以欣赏城市风光的大窗户。Inside, the building features light-filled rooms with large windows that offer views of the cityscape.

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未来,亚洲有一半区域被城市化,并且大约将有10亿人从农村转移到城市。Half of Asia will become urbanized, and nearly a billion people will shift from countryside to cityscape.

接待背墙还使用了特别定制的金属浮雕,代表着成都未来城市的发展蓝图。Custom designed metal wall relief at reception area denotes bird's eye view of Chengdu's future cityscape.

大片城区被改造成军事集结地,克隆人部队无处不在。Huge stretches of cityscape were transformed into military staging areas, and clone troopers were everywhere.