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餐台和椅子是摇晃的。When tables and chairs are wobbly.

这个婴儿尝试着摇摇晃晃走了几步。The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps.

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所以,别难过,如果你开始的时候扔得摇摆不定。So don't feel bad if you're a bit wobbly at first.

中国的能源消耗数据如同其他指数一样摇摆不定。China's energy-intensity data are as wobbly as other indicators.

与中国的其他统计指标一样,能耗强度的统计数据也一直波动不定。China’s energy-intensity data are as wobbly as other indicators.

个人意识模糊不清、总是期待录音电话响起的布里奇特·琼斯。Bridget Jones of the wobbly ego and much-watched answering machine.

我俩已经步入老年,步履也略有蹒跚,但我们仍然热爱生活。Both of us are a bit wobbly in our older years but we still love life.

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那一夜,我战战兢兢跌跌撞撞,地走出家门,哭着。I stumbled out in to the black night sobbing, my legs wobbly from fear.

她的房间在一所房子的侧面,要踩着晃晃悠悠的木楼梯上去。She had a room on the side of a house, wobbly wooden stairs leading up.

由于这种鱼很难监测到,所以对它们数量的估计也不稳定。They are also very tough to monitor, so population estimates are wobbly.

你可以抱怨卫生间门口的长队或者等候室里摇晃的椅子。You can comment about a long bathroom line or wobbly waiting-room chair.

走廊里满是尿骚味,颤颤巍巍的吊扇搅动着浑浊的空气。The smell of urine hangs in the corridors. Wobbly ceiling fans stir the air.

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欧元区公共财政不稳定的国家不只希腊一家。And Greece is not the only member of the euro-zone with wobbly public finances.

我本能的向前望去,只见车子晃晃悠悠的向着左前方滑动着。I instinctively looked forward, but the car 's wobbly toward the left front sliding.

总是有一大批的人在我们的脚步稍微摇晃的时候就已经准备好了对我们的冷嘲热讽。There are always plenty of people ready to snigger when we take the first wobbly steps.

国债看来也在动摇,而且这并不仅在新兴市场出现。Sovereign debt is looking wobbly too, especially but not exclusively in emerging markets.

事实上,也许你现在就打算停下来做个祈祷,像小孩子那样,迈着蹒跚的步子。In fact, you might want to take a wobbly step now, by pausing to pray, like a little child.

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不倒翁,就是每次被压倒都会自己站起来的玩具。A roly-poly toy, tilting doll, tumbler or wobbly man is a toy that rights itself when pushed over.

巴基斯坦不稳定的政府不敢寻求更好的双边关系,傲慢自大的印度也没做出改进关系的努力。Pakistan's wobbly government dare not seek better relations.Haughty India sees no point in trying.

但是在这个原子钟的装置里,它们还是太不稳定了不能靠自身确保时间。But at the esoteric edge of the timekeeper's craft, they are too wobbly to keep time by themselves.