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实际上,公共资源大多数时间比GNP增长更快。In fact, public resources very often grow faster than the GNP.

你不能将美国的国民生产毛额和发展中国家的国民生产毛额相提并论。You cannot equate the GNP of USA with that of a developing country.

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如果GNP或NNP增加,这意味着经济增长或社会财富的增加。The growth of GNP or NNP means economy increase or social wealth growth.

如果没有像美元之类的价值标准,那么国民生产总值这类概念就毫无用处。The concept of GNP is useless without a standard of value such as the dollar.

他们中的大多将来不会遇到那种”需要理解国民生产总值是如何定义的才能做决定“的事情。Most of them will never have to make any decision that depends on understanding how GNP is defined.

这一实例恰恰反映了单独注重GNP的增长速率具有最大的破坏效果。This is exactly where the exclusive concentration on the rate of GNP growth has the most damaging effect.

由于实际GNP在1974年仅仅轻微下滑,实际货币需求曲线仅仅微小幅度左移。Because real GNP fell only slightly in 1974, the demand curve for real money shifted only slightly to the left.

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到本世纪末,中国的四个现代化即使达到了某种目标,我们的国民生产总值人均水平也还是很低的。Even if we realize the four modernizations by the end of this century, our per capita GNP will still be very low.

旅游业已成为推动大理州经济增长的重要因素,突出表现在对生产总值的弹性作用与拉动作用上。Tourism has become a key factor in developing Dali"s economy, which finds full expression in the increase of GNP."

国民生产总值按人口平均不算多,叫做小康水平。Although our per capita GNP will not amount to much and will mean only a comparatively comfortable living standard.

研究发现在水性介质中纳米石墨片在空间位阻斥力和电斥力共同作用下达到稳定分散。It is investigated that both steric and electric hindrance are of great importance for the stable dispersion of GNP in water.

农村政策见效很快,增加了我们的信心,对我们确定翻两番的目标是一个鼓励。The quick success of our rural policies has heightened our confidence and encouraged us to decide on the target of quadrupling the GNP.

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无论在发展中国家还是发达国家,要求废黜把国民生产总值作为经济活动首要目标的呼声到处可闻。In both the developing and developed worlds the call for the "dethronement of gnp" as the major objective of economic activity was widely heard.

他们的国民生产总值也许世界第二,人均下来几乎世界第90名,连我们隔壁的古巴和墨西哥都不如。They may have the second largest GNP in the world, but their GNP per capita ranks almost 90th in the world, behind our neighbors, Cuban and Mexican.

中国更高的GNP的确有助于降低各种贫困指标和社会被剥夺感,并扩展生活质量的不同方面。Higher GNP has certainly helped China to reduce various indicators of poverty and deprivation, and to expand different features of the quality of life.

汾渭盆地地裂缝灾害严重影响着该地区国民生产和经济发展,地裂缝的突发性活动多与突降暴雨有关。The GNP and economical development are seriously affected by the ground fissures in Fenwei basin, its paroxysmal attack mostly relates to sudden storm.

在研究政策时比较印中之间的这些标准比仅仅比较GNP增长率显得更加有用。Comparing India with China according to such standards can be more useful for policy discussions in India than confining the comparison to GNP growth rates only.

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然而,由于生活质量的各个方面也取决于我们做过或没能做的其它事情,因此人均GNP并不一定能够准确预测我们生活质量好的方面。GNP per capita is, however, not invariably a good predictor of valuable features of our lives, for those features depend also on other things that we do—or fail to do.

虽然本田是日本人所用,但雇佣美国工人,所以它的部分增值事实上是美国要素导致的,因此它确实赠加了美国的GNP。Although Honda is owned by Japanese citizens, it employs U. S. workers, so part of its value added is in fact generated by U. S. factors, hence it does increase U. S. GNP.

要按一九八○年的固定价格,没有水分的,还要把人口增长的因素计算在内。To calculate the target GNP for the year 2000, we have to use constant, unexaggerated 1980 prices as the base and take into consideration the anticipated population growth.