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并不像是被疏远了的。He doesn't seem alienated.

她的行为使自己跟朋友们疏远了。Her behavior alienated her friends.

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她与她的全部家人疏远了。She has alienated her entire family.

他的行为使他跟哥哥疏远了。His behavior alienated him and his brother.

自从他疏远了爱玲以后,他是很孤单的。Since he had alienated Aileen , he was quite alone.

她的日益增长的好战性使她和她的老朋友们疏远了。Her increasing belligerence alienated her from her old friends.

这种沙文主义使得黄衫军与曼谷的中产阶级日渐疏远。Their jingoism alienated supporters among Bangkok's middle classes.

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外人眼里,她疏离低调,冷傲清高,我行我素。Outsider, she alienated a low-key, lofty, persist in one's old ways.

那你在生命最后的时刻感到孤独吗?Well,were you feeling alienated and distant during your final moments?

许多公司削减了员工大量的薪金和福利,使得公司内部向心力日下。Many companies alienated and hurt their workforces by cutting too much.

我也对你没有使我与孩子们疏远表示由衷感谢。I am likewise thankful that you have not alienated me from the children.

这种人死去的时候显然没有感到独孤或疏远。Such a person presumably is not feeling lonely or alienated while he dies.

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编辑缔构着媒介文化,同时也被媒介文化所异化。Editors build the media culture, meanwhile, they are alienated by this culture.

快节奏的生活让很多人彼此疏远。The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another.

但进行这个攻击本身反而在中立选民中造成了负面的影响,让得他们转而投向奥巴马。But the attacks appeared to have alienated undecideds, who turned towards Obama.

正如纳撒尼尔。布兰登所说的,我们花了一辈子让自己和自己更格格不入。As Nathaniel Branden puts it – we spend our entire lives alienated from ourselves.

经理傲慢的态度使很多部下远离他。The insolent attitude of the manager made him alienated from many of his subordinates.

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进而,异化的个体倾向于隔绝自己,害怕更大的伤害和拒绝。In turn, the alienated tend to close themselves off, fearing further pain and rejection.

许多人类似于1961年走上街头的充满焦虑的、被疏离的年轻阿尔及利亚人。Many resemble the angst-ridden, alienated young Algerians who took to the streets in 1961.

这些变革将使该党摆脱不切实际的“左倾”思想的影响,正是这些“左倾”思想让很多日本人离他们而去。The changes would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated many Japanese.