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这样做的好处是,你能够检验市场。You can do this by validating your market.

无法校验本地文件的链接。Validating links is not possible for local files.

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我觉得,我生活中的一切,都要与证实法有关才是正常的。Everything in my life has to be linked to validating the Fa.

该词次要的词义才指涉外部,指当必要的时候确立“正义的战争”的合理性。The lesser jihad is external, validating "just war" when necessary.

本文的其余部分会讨论确认单元的其他技术。The rest of this article discusses other techniques for validating units.

对于有效性数据,测试员可以从程序中复制数据到剪贴板中。For validating data, they can copy data from the application to the clipboard.

最后,为了验证模型的有效性,采用CPN进行了仿真验证。At last, the simulation was made using CPN for validating the validity of model.

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但是,分析阶段确认模型仍然存在许多问题。However, many issues still exist in validating models during the analysis phase.

您可以使用它重新验证某个特性,而无需验证整个文档。You can use it to revalidate an attribute without validating an entire document.

确证我们的焦虑之源需要时间、坚韧和执着。Validating the source of our anxieties will take time, discipline and persistence.

在这里,需要注意的一点是此元数据对象仅用于验证车辆。One thing to note here is that this metadata object is only for validating the vehicle.

这种模式对于在调用操作前进行参数验证是最有效的。This pattern is most effective for validating parameters before invoking a transaction.

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通过蒙西电网的实例验证了所提方法的可行性。Validating the feasibility of this method by example of west electric network ofneimeng.

验证支持向量机用于手写数字识别的有效性。Validating the effectiveness of support vector machine for handwritten digit recognition.

使用合法的程序可以确保表单上的输入值是一个整字且不包含其他的东西。Using this validating script ensures that input to that form is a number and nothing else.

在技术上她同样也这么做,像如何利用同行的评论来确定需求。She does the same with techniques, like how to use peer reviews for validating requirements.

为了验证模型正确与适用与否,选取了保定市简化路网作为论文的研究对象。For validating the model, the paper chooses Baoding city simple road network as study object.

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在这种情况中,您可以填充一个子类清单,而不用验证表单的其他内容。In this case, it lets you populate a subcategory list without validating the rest of the form.

这项工作还暗示着安全将会受益于比当前更多的检查工作。The work suggests that security would benefit if we validated more than we're validating today.

然而,另一个重要宗旨确认光纤数据链路的表现。However, another important objective was validating the performance of the fibre-optic datalink.