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请给我蛤蛎浓汤。Clam chowder, please.

极深者至四五百尺,拾蚌篮中。The deep to feet up, clam basket.

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鸡汤,蛤肉浓汤。Chicken vegetable or clam chowder.

忌廉蘑菇汤和蛤蛎浓汤。Cream of mushroom and clam chowder.

如何把蛤蜊塞进干净的奶油罐子里?How can a clam cram in a cran cream can?

您可以尝尝桑拿蛤蜊,味道很棒。You may try Sanna Clam. It is very tasty.

汤姆笑眯眯坐在那儿,一副心满意足的样子。Tom sat there smiling, as happy as a clam.

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一位奇努克妇女拿着一个装着蛤蜊的篮子。A Chinook Indian woman holds a clam basket.

一只鹬鸟看见河蚌,就想美餐一顿。A snipe saw the clam and wanted to enjoy it.

中秋月明,则老蚌犹喜甚。The harvest moon, the old or very clam judah.

虾,雪蟹,带壳扇贝,蛤蜊。Shrimp, snow crab, and scallop in shell, clam.

一只河蚌就张开两片硬壳,在河滩上舒服地晒太阳。A clam opened his two shells, basking in the beach.

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我们一问到他的家庭时,他总是闭口不言。He always clam up when we ask him about his family.

乞丐没有选择,你还是闭嘴吧。Beggars can't be choosers. You need to just clam up.

一天,河里的蚌游到岸边,把蚌壳张开晒太阳。A clam swam to the bank and opened its shell in the sun.

再给我蚶汤和一杯加牛奶的咖啡。Also give me clam chowder and a cup of coffee with milk.

你越是强迫,他越可能闭而不谈。The more you insist, the more likely that he'll clam up.

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你一提及此事,大家便都闭口不言。Everybody shuts up like a clam as soon as you mention it.

我在海边捡了好多彩色蚌壳。I picked plenty of colorful clam shells along the seaside.

忽然,它看见河滩上那只张着口的大河蚌。Suddenly, it saw the clam lying there with its shell open.