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什么是搭配?What is collocation?

第一条定义是动词go和介词ahead的简单搭配,算不上短语。The first item is simple collocation.

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第四部分,同现与连用。The forth part, Co-occurrence and Collocation.

这称为应用和数据收集。This is known as application and data collocation.

他们尽可能坐在一起工作。They work together is collocation whenever possible.

最好能搭配一些弱酸性的软水底泥。The best collocation some weak acidic water sediment.

最后,给出了一种工程应用布站方法。The collocation way to engineering application is proposed.

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偏胖男生夏天服装搭配。Be partial to fat boy student clothing in summer collocation.

适合搭配清淡些的食物,单饮俱佳。Suitable for collocation insipidity food, odd drink and taste.

本文中重点研究的动词搭配是动名搭配及动词的类联接。This thesis focuses on V-N collocation as well as verb colligation.

英语搭配是衡量英语学习者英语水平的一个重要方面。Collocation is important for the achievement of native-like competence.

其中动名搭配是中国英语学习者较难掌握和很容易犯错的搭配之一。It is difficult for the English learners to master the V-N collocation.

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小披风可随意搭配,适合0-3岁宝宝穿着。Optional collocation small cloak, suitable for 0-3 years old baby wear.

另外,分析汉韩表“突发”义时间副词的搭配功能。In addition, analyse the collocation function of unexpected adverbs of time.

针对一类偏微分方程,提出了一种小波配点法。In this paper, to a kind of PDE, the wavelet collocation method was proposed.

量词与名词超常搭配是一种反常合道的语言创新现象。Anomalous collocation of quantifier and noun is a kind of language innovation.

波普圆点长T搭配工装高腰裤,小可爱洋溢。Pop dot long T collocation tooling tall waist trousers, small lovely overflow.

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移就属于一种超常规搭配的修辞方法。Transferred epithet belongs to a rhetorical device of supernormal collocation.

房间的色调搭配得很有腔调,与“宋女士的气质”相得益彰。"The room is tonal collocation with "song and has the temperament of the lady.

通过食物相克,您可以知道哪些食物在一起吃对身体不好。From this app, you could search the food collocation is not good for your health.