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好,这里涉及到名额的问题Good, so there's an issue of turnout.

道岔是磁悬浮线路的重要部件。Turnout is an important part of maglev.

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这次选举的选民投票率很低。Voter turnout was low for the election.

你们是否认为这会影响选民投票率?Do you think this is going to affect voter turnout?

道岔区内病害形式多种多样。The kinds of diseases of the turnout zone are multifarious.

但是他表示,许多省份的投票率都很高。But he says there were many provinces where turnout was high.

在最近两次中期选举中,选民投票率均有所上升。In the last two mid-term elections, voter turnout has gone up.

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民主派寄望高投票率,及要小心配票。Democrats hope for a high turnout and careful co-ordination of votes.

国内比较研究也发现强制投票制可以提高选民投票率。Within-country comparisons also generally find that CV boosts turnout.

据估计,本次投票率达到85%,是四十年内最高的一次。Voter turnout was projected at 85 percent, a level not seen in 40 years.

由于约旦河西岸暂时停止了暴力袭击,游客数量创下了多年来的最高纪录。It was the biggest turnout in years thanks to a lull in West Bank violence.

在华盛顿市区自由广场,夏普顿看到聚集的人群时感到很欣慰。Sharpton was pleased at the turnout at Freedom Plaza in downtown Washington.

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美丽的新娘,哇,多么可爱的婚礼,难以置信有那么多途安车主出席婚礼。Gorgeous bride, Wow what a lovely Wedding and the fantastic turnout of Tourans.

我认为,强制选民投票的结果是不知情的投票。I think that having a forced voter turnout would only force an uninformed vote.

在某些地区,初选投票人数甚至是上届总统选举的三倍。In some places, primary turnout was triple that of the last presidential election.

有研究显示,教育程度越高,选民的参与度越高。It's been shown that higher levels of education correlate with high voter turnout.

由此证明新型货车通过新型道岔的安全可靠性。The secure capability of the new car passing the new turnout is proved in this study.

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它为正确模拟道岔系统的振动特性提供了保证。This model guarantees to simulate the vibrative characteristics of the turnout system.

为无缝道岔计算理论和设计方法的研究开辟一条新途径。This paper opens a new avenue for welded turnout calculation theory and design method.

在今年五月的立法会选举中,我们创下历年最高的投票率。In May this year, we saw the highest-ever turnout in our Legislative Council elections.