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人们在乎“如果”。People care if.

我们爱伲人。We Aini people.

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人也一样叫苦呢。And people also.

知道的人更少了Fewer people do.

神要使用人。God uses people.

我又错了,还是好人多。People are kind.

笑挽离人。People laugh in.

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人多不多?Many people much?

时尚界人士会“穿一条裤管的裤子”。Fashion people do.

人民大众爱死列表了。People like lists.

把人分类。Pigeonhole people.

这些人都是鸟人。These people suck.

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人们会“买账”吗?Do people "get it"?

它腐化着人们。It corrupts people.

人们给我写信。People write to me.

人们写遗嘱说。People write wills.

不要诽谤人民。Don't defame people.

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我这有450个学生。I've got 450 people.

好了,大家明白了吗?OK, people get this?

人们总会买进卖出,一直如此。People buy and sell.