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通常,子宫肌肉会及时紧绷。Often, the vaginal muscles tighten up again in time.

当你有音道探头的时候,谁又需要月球探测器呢?。Who needs a lunar probe when you can have a vaginal probe?

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有些时候,正常的分泌物也可能使皮肤发炎。Sometimes a normal vaginal discharge can irritate the skin.

目的探讨小儿鞘膜积液的手术新疗法。Objective To study the new operation therapy of child vaginal hydrocele.

她*分泌物带白色或绿黄色,而且气味不好。Her vaginal discharge is white or greenish-yellow and unpleasant smelling.

你有两次剖腹产,但也有一次顺产经历。You have had 2 cesareans before, but you have also had a vaginal delivery.

她分泌物带白色或绿黄色,而且气味不好。Her vaginal discharge is chalkiness or greenish-pink or unpleasant smelling.

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使用乳胶避孕套或子宫帽可降低但不能消除这种危险。Use of latex condoms or vaginal barriers decreases but does not eliminate risk.

白带带血,月经迟不来,伴有胸痛。Bloody vaginal discharge, menstrual late do not come, accompanied by chest pain.

本发明提供了一种欢宝妇阴灌洗液及冲洗器。This invention provides a kind of HuanBao" vaginal lavage fluid and its douche."

可伴有低热、月经过多和白带增多。Sometimes it is accompanied with slight fever, menorrhagia, or more vaginal discharge.

正常的分泌物组织因人而异,有些薄而微粘,有些厚而粘稠。Normal vaginal fluids vary in texture from thin and slightly sticky to thick and gooey.

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那么,卡斯提洛的研究是否支持了“自然分娩稍优于剖腹产”这一观点呢?So, does Costello's study support the notion that vaginal birth is somehow" better" than a cesarean?

叶互生于基部,线形,表面光滑柔软,叶鞘淡褐色。Foliaceous each other is born at base ministry, line form, the surface is smooth and soft, vaginal ecru.

方法对120例剖宫产后再次妊娠孕妇经阴分娩情况进行观察。Methods 120 pregnant women who had the history of cesarean section were planned to undergo vaginal delivery.

目的评价和比较阴式与腹式子宫肌瘤挖除术的临床效果。Objective To assess and compare the clinical efficacy of vaginal and abdominal myomectomy for uterine myoma.

服用本品几分钟后,女性阴内发痒,如饥似渴,渴望性生活,令你随心所欲。After a few minutes using this service, female vaginal itching inside, hungry, eager sex life, make you whim.

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多年生宿根草本基部有棕褐色枯死的纤维状叶鞘。Vivacious perennial root is herbaceous base the ministry has palm Brown withered dead fiber shape is vaginal.

目的研究探讨剖宫产后再次妊娠经阴分娩的可行性。Objetive To investigate the practicability of vaginal delivery to women who had the history of cesarean section.

对头位产宫颈裂伤62例临床资料进行回顾性分析。Retrospective studies were made for 62 cases of cervical laceration during vaginal childbirth of cephalic position.