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他是个旧式的马戏团揽客者。He’s an old-fashioned circus barker.

我怎么忘得了你,巴克先生?And how could I ever forget you, Mr. Barker?

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妈咪出口夫人巴克撷取一些水。Mommy exits to fetch Mrs. Barker some water.

而去年在海地巴克尔总共度过了140天。Barker wound up spending 140 days in Haiti last year.

Barker表示,这种情况对货币市场基金而言十分棘手.Barker said this could be tricky for money market funds.

MPC委员巴克称她同意宾恩的看法.MPC member Kate Barker said she agreed with Bean's view.

还有苏•贝克,她是位老运动员了。但是,我就知道这些了。and Sue Barker who's an old one. But no, that's about it.

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这是应受谴责的巴克被殴打多的人。It is reprehensible that Barker was beaten by multiple people.

帕立特先生又把我放在一个叫做巴尔卡尔的家庭老师家里。Mr. Palit next placed me in the house of a coach named Barker.

巴克太太不理解的现实意义阿妈的故事。Mrs. Barker does not understand the relevance of Grandma's tale.

巴克出现和夫人,奶奶宣布那青年男子的面包车。Mrs. Barker emerges and, Grandma announces the Young Man as the van man.

访问中国是第一步包赞巴克神秘的东方国家。Trip to China is the first step package Zan Barker mysterious oriental country.

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而巴克一再拒绝回答有关官司进展情况的问题。Barker repeatedly refused to answer any questions about the status of the lawsuit.

巴克从一个单面镜子后面目睹了这一切,他给出的最初报告十分悲观。Barker watched it all from behind a one-way mirror and his early reports were gloomy.

巴克说,是什么使这个特殊的森林立地类型的独特之处在于它是到目前为止,北。Barker says what makes this particular forest site unique is that it was so far north.

巴克推断说,这是因为他们把疯狂的一面深深的掩藏在他们正常的外表下。This, Barker deduced, was because they were burying their insanity deep beneath a facade of normality.

护林员们“不知道这些都是什么”,但是巴克尔觉得这些东西可能有几千万年的历史了。The park rangers "had no idea what they were, " but Barker suspected they must be millions of years old.

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我觉得它挺切题的,贝克先生。不过,当然,如果您不满意,这个曲子我们可以重新写。We thought that was on target, Mr Barker. But obviously, if you are not pleased, we can rework the song.

巴克曾在安大略省的橡树岭医院里工作,负责治疗那些精神病犯罪者中的心理变态狂。Barker worked at a unit for psychopaths inside the Oak Ridge hospital for the criminally insane in Ontario.

集市上那个喊叫着招揽生意的人真能说,让我们买了很多我们其实并不想要东西。That barker at the fair was so persuasive that we were roped into buying a lot of things we didn't really want.