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侍女还在哭,发出单调的抽泣声。The maid, still in tears, sniffed monotonously.

挡风玻璃上的雨刷单调地来回摆动,发出飕飕声。The windshield wipers swished back and forth monotonously.

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它的基波波矢随温度而单调地下降,与实验观察到的现象一致。The basic wave-vector decreases monotonously with temperature as observed in experiment.

另外,语速不宜太快,也不要太平,最好要有一些停顿、起伏,语速和音质的控制是一门学问,需要一定的训练。Avoid speaking too fast or too monotonously. Some pauses and changes of tone will work well.

葛婆子只是固执而单调地把两手翻来复去,眼睛瞪视在地板上。Mrs. Gerhardt persistently and monotonously turned one hand over in the other and stared at the floor.

而灭活试样的电物理特性随其含水率的降低单调变化。On the other hand, the electric properties of died sample monotonously changed with it's water content.

但随循环次数的变化趋势而言,含铅材料之应变能密度因子斜率较大,上升较快。But, the strain energy density factor of lead–free solder joint is found to increase monotonously as increasing of thermal cycles.

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起初,她觉得很兴奋,他单调地、坚持地给她解说一切的事情,她得用全力去回答和了解。At first she was thrilled. He talked everything over with her monotonously , insistently, persistently, and she had to respond with all her might.

复合载荷下,低周幅值不变,增加高周载荷的幅值,微动疲劳寿命随幅值比的增加而降低。The fretting fatigue life under complex loads monotonously decreases with the increase of the high cycle load while the low cycle loads keep constant.

初始采用比例增大导致稳态扩散比例增加,但边际作用单调下降。Furthermore, the stationary diffusion rate increases with initial adopter rate, but the marginal effects of increasing initial adopters decreases monotonously.

利用三次贝塞尔曲线特性,获取离散数据点为非单调变化区间的插值曲线。This article tells readers how to use the features of the three cubed Bezier to gain an interpolation curve when the discrete datum do not change monotonously.

计算并讨论了简立方格子系统的居里温度随晶场、外场、键浓度和随机晶场浓度的变化关系和系统的临界行为以及有关磁化特性。In the bond-diluted BCM with the random crystal field in an applied field, the Curie temperature decreases monotonously with the increasing of the crystal field.

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本文总结了在短期单调荷载作用下混凝土的破坏机理,断裂韧度和强度理论方面的研究成果。This paper summed up the recent works about failure mechanisms, fracture toughness and failure criteria of concrete which are monotonously loaded in a short-term.

在特定的实例中,包层的折射率从一个低值单调增加到一个接近或高于纤芯中折射率。In one practical example, the coating refractive index increases monotonously from one low value to one value higher than or approaching to that of the fiber core.

尽管知道自己非常非常地厌恶如此不断重复地生活,厌恶地这一成不变的习惯,厌恶着这单调没有颜色的空寂。Although knew oneself loathes extremely extremely repeatedly lives so unceasingly, loathing this irrevocable custom, loathes this not to have color deserted monotonously.

随着波浪入射角度的增加,带填料防波堤结构的反射系数值先减小,达到最小值后又单调增加。With the increasing of the incident angle of the wave, the reflection coefficient of the breakwater first decreases, reaches its minimum, and then increases monotonously.

所有连续摩擦过程的初期,摩擦系数都经历一个从小到大的过渡变化,而过渡期的时间随着法向载荷的增大单调下降。For all of friction process, friction coefficient variation experienced ascent transition change, however, transition time decreased monotonously with normal pressure increase.

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墙外前院里老树上一根枝桠吱吱嘎嘎,哼哼唧唧,发出持续不断的单调的撞击声,有规则时间间隔的单调的敲房顶声。pounding incessantly, monotonously beyond the walls, monotonously knocking at regular intervals against the roof, a bough on the old tree in the front garden creaks and groans.

与现在相比,他们早期的音乐欢快明朗,偶尔的慰籍性元素有出人意料的和谐效果,给人在沙漠中偶遇绿洲的舒适感,但是在另外一些地方又像在绿洲中掺入单调、炎热的岩石荒地。Cheerful Skewering. By contrast, their early music had exuberance and an occasional oasis of unexpected harmony, but otherwise blended monotonously into the parched badlands of rock.

芳烃含量较高的催化裂化柴油相分离温度随乙醇含量增加呈单调升高的趋势,但整体升高幅度小于15℃。The PST catalytic cracked diesel oil with high content of aromatic hydrocarbon rises monotonously with the content of ethanol increasing. But the global increased range is under 15℃.