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云层正在招集。Clouds are banking up.

这就是银行业的起源。And that's how banking got started.

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你可以帮我申请网络银行服务吗?Could you sign me up for online banking

但现在,网上银行已经成为主流。But today, online banking is mainstream.

就连银行业都为之困惑.Even the banking industry seemed puzzled.

美国银行法最佳律师。The Best Lawyers in America, Banking Law.

而银行曾是制造业和服务业的服务者。Banking once served industry and services.

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私人银行业务正发展得如火如荼。The private banking business is on a roll.

里昂信贷银行从事金融业务。Credit Lyonnais is in the banking business.

银行业也令戴维森得到了实惠。Banking has been good to Mr. Davidsson, too.

银行业务的核心就是关系The core of banking is relationship banking.

投资银行业务必须由独立公司承担。Investment banking had to be a separate firm.

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应届毕业生总是爱在学校大耍花招。Recent college graduates who go into banking.

分析家预测银行将裁员二十万。Analysts see 200, 000 banking industry layoffs

银行风险具有加速性。The banking risk has an acceleration property.

时间银行的概念起源自艾德加。The idea of time banking came from Edgar Cahn.

他具有广博的银行业务知识。He possesses an extensive knowledge of banking.

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移动银行―移动电话与银行的结合。M-banking―Marriage of Mobile Phone and Banking.

一些人担心房地产泡沫或者银行信用危机。Some fear a property bubble or a banking crisis.

1838年,纽约州通过了一项自由银行法。In 1838 New York State passed a free banking law.