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我打算学经济学。Well, I'm intending to do Economics

他们打算辞去委员会中的职务。They are intending to resign from the committee.

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几个月来,我就一直在考虑写这篇文章。I have been intending to write this essay for months.

下课以后,我跟着她走出了教室,我打算向她做个自我介绍。After class I followed her out, intending to introduce myself.

你或你的团队是否曾经无意识地实施过敏捷?Have you or your team practiced Agile without intending to do so?

我搬家了,因此想办理移机手续。I'am intending to transact phone moving procedure for I've moved.

打算炒鸡蛋,我便在碗边叩开一只鸡蛋。Intending to scramble the eggs, I cracked one on the rim of a bowl.

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我想至少他该打算一下如何卖车吧,那可是他的职业啊。I figure he's at least intending to sell cars, since that's his job.

除非是想跳进塞纳河,不然去干什么呢?What was he intending to do, if not to throw himself into the Seine?

一般地说,没有一个中国人离开故土之后会不打算回去的。Generally speaking, no Chinese leaves his home not intending to return.

“他并不打算利用这个条款,”库特纳对独立报说。"He's not intending to invoke the clause, " Kutner told The Independent.

但可以肯定这是一起试图制造空难的事件。But we can be sure that this was a case intending to create an air crash."

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可是现在,只提前十分钟打了个招呼,便走了,好像还不打算回来似的。And now, after only ten minutes notice--Gone too without intending to return!

如何从有意图的作者,到意向性结构然后在回过来?How do you get from an intending author to an intentional structure and back?

卡尔维诺先生进入了都灵大学学习农学。Mr. Calvino enrolled at the University of Turin, intending to study agronomy.

我就跑到田里,打算露天过一宵。I went into the fields, intending to sleep in the open air, beneath the stars.

正是当梦想被捕获时,那么一个人于是就生活在所意愿的体验当中。It is as the dream catches that one then lives the experience that one is intending.

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繁殖出这只混血儿的女士将其移入室内手养,希望将它培育成宠物鸟。The woman who bred the bird took it inside to hand-feed it, intending to make it a pet.

后来他到北京的外交学院学习﹐想成为一名外交家。He studied at the Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, intending to become a diplomat.

凯特-摩丝34岁的时候穿着它们,迹象表明就算90岁她也还是要穿。Kate Moss wears them at 34 and shows every sign of intending to wear them when she's 90.