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他喜欢宇宙的主人身份。He likes the mastership of the universe.

如果我们能够掌握它,是有利于提高棋艺的。If we are able to learn, it we'll just increase the level of our mastership.

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就在如今,骨瓷也是主人身份与地位的象征。In now, the bone porcelain be also the symbol of the mastership and position.

词汇量的大小和使用的熟练程度影响着外语使用者的外语交际能力。The size and the mastership of vocabulary greatly affect a speaker's English level.

总线结构型计算机中采用的一种技术,用来申请、授权、确认某台设备的总线主控权。A technique used by master-type devices to request, grant and acknowledge bus mastership.

器物所刻铭文对研究墓主人身份具有重要意义。Implements place is engraved inscriptive principal to studying mastership has the grave port.

试着在记录所有权与用户管理权设置的基础之上自动化管理权设置。Attempt to automate mastership settings based on the record ownership and user mastership settings.

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一般来说,设备控制器将请求公共汽车精通和,一旦这获得了转移一个或更多数据项。In general, the device controller will request bus mastership and once this has been obtained will transfer one or more data items.

由于口译工作要求从业者对两种语言的掌握和各方面丰富的知识,口译员的市场缺口很大。Interpretor is in great demand because the work of interpretation requires mastership of two languages and a vast knowledge of many fields.

要试著把注意力集中在苦乐之间的平衡状态,然后才能成为自己真正的主人。Try to concentrate on the state of balance between pain and pleasure, therefore get back the mastership for yourself. originally in english.

贝卢斯科尼一向“语出惊人”,就连奥巴马也难逃他的“毒舌”,他曾评价奥巴马“年轻、帅气、皮肤黝黑”,评价实在令人“难忘”。Mr Berlusconi's mastership of the public gaffe has also been extended to President Obama, whom he memorably described as "young, handsome and tanned".

贝卢斯科尼一向“语出惊人”,就连奥巴马也难逃他的“毒舌”,他曾评价奥巴马“年轻、帅气、皮肤黝黑”,这一评价实在令人“难忘”。Mr Berlusconi's mastership of the public gaffe has also been extended to President Obama, whom he memorably described as "young, handsome and tanned".

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除了帮助建立基于角色的变更管理系统,通用工作流还可以帮助处理分布式环境中的主控权和复制问题。In addition to helping establish a role-based change management system, a common workflow can also help address mastership and replication issues in a distributed environment.

他们不会关心,只要还有足球世界的支配,只要超市还可以购物,只要电视屏幕上拙劣的头脑还欺骗着他们一切都很好。They will not be as long as there is this football world mastership and something to buy in the supermarket and these poor minds on the TV-screens faking them that all was fine.

在家兔的实验中经常要进行各种操作,这些操作的熟练程度直接影响到研究结果和教学效果。We often carry on a lot of operations in the rabbits. Success or failure and mastership degree of experimental operation affect directly the research results and teaching effect.

中医理论指导中医实践,内服外治都是在中医理论的指导下进行的,运用穴位敷贴必须通晓中医理论。Theory of Chinese Medicine guides clinical Chinese medicine, internal and external administration are used in Chinese Medicine theory. It is prerequisite to mastership theories of TCM.