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科托努贝宁北部几内亚湾附近城市。A city of southern Benin on the Gulf of Guinea.

我想到,在贝宁湾的朋友今晚的晚餐吃的是什么呢?What were my friends in Benin eating for dinner tonight?

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全球移动通信网络可在拉各斯,阿布贾,贝宁和哈科特港。Glo Mobile 3G network is available in Lagos, Abuja, Benin and Port Harcourt.

在贝宁湾举行的世界卫生会议上,此病曾被讨论过。It was just discussed during an international health conference held in Benin.

尼日利亚、贝宁和多哥等地曾发现可追溯到14世纪的样片。Samples dating to the 14th century were once found in Nigeria, Benin and Togo.

这件用象牙雕刻出的妇女雕像来自尼日利亚贝宁地区。This female figure, fashioned out of ivory, hails from the Benin kingdom of Nigeria.

格雷米攻入三场比赛来的第三粒进球帮助喀麦隆4-1客场挑落贝宁。Gérémi gets his third international goal in three games as Cameroon win 4-1 in Benin.

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贝宁、加纳和象牙海岸目前有上千例布鲁里溃疡病病例。Benin , Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of Buruli ulcer disease.

贝宁、加纳和象牙海岸近期发生千余件布鲁里溃疡病。Benin , Ghana and Ivory Coast have thousands of current cases of bruly Buruli ulcer disease.

研究小组帮助在贝宁北部建立了三个太阳能水滴灌溉系统。The research team helped build three solar-powered drip irrigation systems in northern Benin.

联合国发言人称,西非国家贝宁三分之二的地区遭遇暴雨引发的洪灾。The United Nations says two-thirds of the West African nation of Benin is flooded after heavy rains.

扥克西是传统的仪式奴役,在迦纳、托哥以及贝南等国的许多地方都可以看到。Trokosi is a traditional practice of slavery still seen as normal in parts of Ghana, Togo and Benin.

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美国与阿尔及利亚、贝宁和坦桑尼亚共同提出了防止冲突的决议案。The United States co-sponsored the resolution on conflict prevention with Algeria, Benin and Tanzania.

这家机构评定贝宁为“自由国度”,但在评定巴基斯坦时,仅将其定为“部分自由国度”。And although the watchdog group Freedom House ranks Benin as free, it ranks Pakistan as only partly free.

在四月底至五月份,小球蟒会从蛋里孵化出来,这些蛋是从野生母球蟒那儿采集来的,地点在加纳、多哥和贝宁湾。In late April and May, babies are hatched from eggs collected from wild females in Ghana, Togo and Benin.

在北京语言文化大学董漠函有个好朋友,是来自贝宁的莫利斯。In the University, Dong has a good friend and cross talk partner naming Maurice who came from Benin in Africa.

今年10月,尼日利亚总统和贝宁总统举行该地区首次国家元首峰会,致力打击海盗。In October, the presidents of Nigeria and Benin held the region's first ever head-of-state summit devoted to piracy.

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在马来西亚合资经营乳胶制品厂。在贝宁共和国建设食用酒精厂。Ltd. in Vietnam, a joint ventured latex product factory in Malaysia and a potable alcohol factory in Benin Republic.

巴卡尔被抓获后,一些法律争执,逃避引渡回科摩罗,目前流亡在贝宁。Bacar was captured, and after some legal wrangling, evaded extradition back to the Comoros, and is now living in exile in Benin.

因此,虽然贝宁比巴基斯坦要小的多,国际给予的支持也少,但民主程度很高的贝宁政府比巴基斯坦政府表现出了更高的危机处理能力。Although Benin is a much poorer nation, and was given much less assistance, its democratic government greatly outperformed Pakistan.