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抱紧我。Hold me tight.

保持缆绳绷紧。Keep towline tight.

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把门关严实。Shut the door tight.

我的心猛的一紧。My heart had a tight.

水儿紧张地说。The water tight said.

把线拉紧。Pull the thread tight.

把窗户关严了。Shut the window tight.

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锁链捆得再紧。The chain's too tight.

门关得牢牢的。The door's shut tight.

我不能旋紧它。I can't screw it tight.

但如果你抱紧我。But if you hold me tight.

我紧紧地闭上双眼。I kept my eyes tight shut.

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紧身的外衣很不舒服的绑缚着。This dress is tight on me.

我们没有紧密盯人。We were not marking tight.

我觉得胸闷憋气。My chest feels rather tight.

它的相当紧绌回到那里。It's pretty tight back there.

我的泳镜不断太紧。My goggles aren't tight enough.

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稳坐并欺负周围国家?Sit tight and get bully around?

别把枕头塞的太紧。Don't stuff the pillow to tight.

绷带不要扎得太紧。Don't tie the bandage too tight.