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那婴儿舒适地嘬着奶瓶。The baby sucked away at his bottle contentedly.

在听伊冯唠叨时,他可以不费心思地随波逐流。When he listened to yvonne, he could coast contentedly.

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“能活这么久,我很幸运”,她满足的说道。"I am lucky to have lived so long, " she says contentedly.

“我知道,”大师满意地说,“但你看,它的寓意多么丰富啊!”"I know", said the Master contentedly. "But see how much it indicates"!

从前,有位磨坊主和妻子生活在一块,生活十分富足。Once upon a time there was a miller. He lived contentedly with his wife.

这就是筏子的特性,我们到目前为止一直满意地驾着它航行。That is the nature of the craft with which we are voyaging so contentedly.

奶牛很满足地站在地里,用尾巴赶著苍蝇。The cow stood contentedly in the field, whisking flies away with her tail.

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这样做后他显然很满意,也变得平静下来,坐下心满意足地看着我吃鱼。Thus satisfied and finally calm, he sat back and watched me eat, beaming contentedly.

一个画着雏菊的果冻罐会让你的爱人笑得花枝乱颤?Does the sight of a cheerful jelly jar with daisies make your lover smile contentedly?

小金翅很快就扭过头来,开始满足的吃起海蒂手里的叶子来。The young animal turned quickly, and began contentedly eating the leaves out of Heidi's hand.

我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得心满足足而富有愉快的思想。Ido not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.

我的启蒙恩师在认真的听我诉说,儿子坐在我的腿上,此情此景让我情难自已。Sitting there with my first mentor listening contentedly and my son on my lap, emotion welled up inside me.

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雨下得很大,我在旅店里又续住了一夜,心满意足地坐在电视机前面。As the rain fell hard I checked in for another night and settled down contentedly in front of the television.

我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得心满意足而富有愉快的思想。I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.

小白用头在海蒂的肩上轻轻的蹭着,不再发出那样的哀叫了。The young animal rubbed its head contentedly against Heidi's shoulder, and no longer gave such plaintive bleats.

在周末或者公共假期里,高棉人携家带口来到狭小而拥挤的海滩上,为能坐着橡皮艇在海上漂浮一下感到心满意足。At weekends and on public holidays, Khmer families crowd the compact beach and float contentedly on rubber tubes.

不要追求骄傲自豪的巨额财富,财富要取之有道,用之正当,乐于施舍,离开它也感到满足。Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and lee contentedly.

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感谢我们国人的「素质」,我很快就在地上捡了满满一袋的瓶瓶罐罐,婆婆的脸上笑开了花。Thanks to the "quality" of our citizens, we soon filled a bag with bottles and cans. The old lady smiled contentedly.

艾伦把羊群放到牧场上,羊群正在安心地啃着草,艾伦深深地吸入一口饱含土壤芬芳的空气。Aaron was out with the flock. The sheep were contentedly grazing and Aaron took a deep breath of the loamy scented air.

奥比万无言地把自己的交还给阿纳金,同时,卢克已经开始心满意足地再次吸吮起父亲的通讯器。Wordlessly, Obi-Wan handed his own back to Anakin as Luke began contentedly sucking on the end of his father's com again.