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农业的根本出路在于机械化。The key to agriculture is mechanization.

机械化数年前在艾莱的农场实现了。Mechanization happened years ago on the farms of Islay.

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数年前,艾莱的农场就实现了机械化。Mechanization happened years ago on the farms of Islay.

我们正在加快农业机械化的步伐。We are speeding up the mechanization of our agriculture.

机械化为农业的技术工种开辟了道路。Mechanization opens the way for skilled jobs in agriculture.

农业的根本出路在于机械化。The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization.

在中国和印度,农场规模小都对机械化有抑制作用。Both in China and India, small farm sizes inhibit mechanization.

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液压加煤、出渣,机械化程度高,设备运行稳定。Hydraulic feeding, dregs, mechanization degree high, stable running.

最后提出了这种P元序列的实现方案。A mechanization of a P-ary GMW sequence generator is suggested in the end.

由于机械化,每个工人的生产量有了提高。An improvement of output per worker has been achieved, due to mechanization.

农机具生产是农业机械化的基础。Agricultural machinery production is the foundation of agricultural mechanization.

农业机械化在社会主义新农村建设中具有十分重要作用。Agricultural mechanization plays a very important role in new countryside construction.

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目前,我国马铃薯大多是以人工挖掘或半机械化收获。At present, potato is harvested by the way of artificial digging, or half mechanization.

建立普通公路机械化养护工区对提高机械化水平有着重要意义。It is very important for mechanization maintenance area to develop the maintenance level.

所涉及的大多数任务对于将其机械化来说简直太复杂。Most of the tasks involved are simply too complex for lending themselves to mechanization.

当心意充满了观念、构造、机械性的事物时,心是空虚的。The heart is empty when the mind is full of its own ideas, fabrications and mechanization.

城市交通机动化的趋势对传统的自行车交通产生了较大的冲击。The trend of urban traffic mechanization has a great impact on traditional bicycle traffic.

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合理地选择设备是机械化挤奶站建设项目的关键步骤。Selecting the equipments reasonably is the key to building the mechanization milking station.

所以说人类机械化的进程是伴随着现代资本主义的发展而发展的。So this process of mechanization is in accompaniment with the development of modern capitalism.

这种唯心主义为芒福德提供了一种转向现代社会的机械化提供了条件。This dialectical idealism provides Mumford a means to avert the mechanization of modern society.