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大大的爱献给Galal医生。Big love to doc Galal.

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我每天都更新这个文档。I update this doc every day.

然而,布福德一伙抓住了博士。But Buford's gang captures Doc.

我的名字叫小博士,我很聪明。My name's little Doc . I'm very clever.

太空人会遇上各种各样的麻烦,博士。Spacers have all kinds of trouble, Doc.

因为你受的教育太多了,博士。Because you're so goddamned educated doc.

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红枫湖、百花湖水中DOC含量受气候条件的影响。The content of DOC was influenced by weather.

该请医生不要预测老爸何时出院。Shd ask e doc not 2 predict when dad can discharge.

小查的魔法糖之天哪!博士下蛋?Charlie and the Magic Candies— Oops ! Doc Lays Eggs!

该文件目前正在写在Word中。doc格式。The document is currenly written in Word . doc format.

然而,我们别忘了美国商务部和IANA的合同仍然有效。And of course the DoC contract with IANA remains in effect.

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博士E·E·史密斯在1934年杜撰了这个短语。E. E. "Doc" Smith seems to have coined this phrase in 1934.

邻居们都称我的父亲为埃普利医生。Around town the neighbors greeted my father as "Doc Eppley."

教练决议让咱们在接下来与华盛顿奇才队的背靠背比赛中休息。Wiz on the back to back and Doc decided we were going to rest.

它是设计用于与高明的天文文件跟踪系统。It is designed for use with Garmin's Astro Doc Tracking System.

通过全文本搜索查找上一小节中创建的文档。Find the doc created in the previous section with a full-text search.

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Linux杂志的高级编辑瑟尔斯博士每年制作一份清单。Doc Searls, Senior Editor at the Linux Journal, does a list each year.

现在我们这里有一票进口货,来自NAGOYA,已经到港可以换单了!We've got an imported shipment from NAGOYA, pls prepare receiving doc.

凯尔特人的教练道格-里弗斯说,戴维斯可以出席周五晚对抗奥兰多的比赛。Celtics coach Doc Rivers says Davis can play Friday night against Orlando.