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②万一原作损毁,复制品也可成为足资参考的珍贵资料。In case of damage of the original copy, also can become cognisant of the precious reference data.

这就是蜜蜂要忠告提升者去认识你正接收的指导的类型的原因。It is for this reason that Bee advises initiates to be cognisant of the type of guidance one is receiving.

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朝鲜政权垮台的可能性比美国撤军的可能性还高,中国最好意识到这一点并着手准备。The likelihood of regime collapse is much higher than US troops leaving. China should be cognisant of that fact and start preparing.

当然我们也自知jama并不适用于所有用户,但对于日常的矩阵计算,我们相信还是会迎合大部分程序员的需求。While we are cognisant that JAMA will not be suitable for all users, we hope it to be useful to the majority of routine applications.

尽管没有用到组织肢体语言,航空公司和飞机制造商也能认识到企业形象的作用。Whilst perhaps not using the term Organisational Body Language, airlines and airframe manufacturers are cognisant of the effect of image.

就像在他之前的德谟克利特和苏格拉底之前的哲学家一般,伊壁鸠鲁识到人类事务的概念而拒绝了拟人化的神的观念。Like Democritus and other Presocratics before him, Epicurus rejected the idea of anthropomorphic gods who were cognisant of human affairs.

但如事实足资证明中立国确实知道战争状态的存在,则它们不得以未得到通知作为借口。Nevertheless, neutral Powers may not plead absence of notification, if it has been shown beyond question that they were in fact cognisant of the state of war.

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我们希望你们能够认识到黑暗势力的谎言与令人发指的行为,他们因与光明强烈而邪恶的宿怨而迫使你们成为奴隶。We wish that you will become cognisant of the lies and heinous practices ofthedark ones whichbindyouinslaverytotheir exquisitely nefarious vendetta against the light.

在实际交付中,他们应该能够发现表明出现这些反模式的各种表现,正如本文所述。During the actual delivery, they should be cognisant of emerging anecdotal evidence, as highlighted in this article, that will indicate the occurrence of these antipatterns.

全美大学教授联合会为其灌输教育辩护到,他们充分认识到,这些新的学科使命,是在课堂上向学生们灌输一种意识形态这一事实。The AAUP has issued its defence of indoctrination fully cognisant of the fact that these new academic disciplines view their mission as using the classroom to instil an ideology in their students.