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水泥是由石灰石制成的。Cement is made from limestone.

大理岩的原岩为灰岩。The protolith of marble is limestone.

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石灰石的烧结,在900度烧结。This is the calcination of limestone.

对白云岩化的石灰岩的命名。The name given to dolomitized limestone.

石灰岩实验未观察到粘滑现象。For limestone no stick-slip was observed.

先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone.

石灰石必须煅烧到这样地步。The limestone must be calcined in such a way.

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我们要采购石灰华,石灰石和大理石。We want to buy Travertine, Limestone and Marble.

是一种生物礁灰岩彩石。Is a kind of high-efficient toothipick limestone.

常用的熔剂有石灰石和白云石。The commonly used fluxes are limestone and dolomite.

它是在最后一季冰河时期形成的一个石灰石洞。It was formed as a limestone cave during the last iceage.

石灰王座被独木船上之农民锄坏了。The throne of limestone was hoed by the farmers on canoe.

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部分圣爱米浓产区砂砾层都平铺于石灰石土层上。In parts of Saint Emilion the gravel lies on limestone base.

黄色沙石和珊瑚石岩满地都是。Yellow sandstone and masses of coralline limestone abounded.

这里的特产是纯净的石灰石。The 'terroir' there is known for the purity of the limestone.

马达加斯加的那些石灰石塔是奇异物种的天堂。Madagascar's limestone towers are a haven for strange species.

石灰岩的墙上渗着水,我们的鞋上沾满了泥。The limestone walls sweat, and water sloshes around our boots.

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石灰岩河床将洞穴的河道分割成千沟万壑。The cave river's course is channelled by the beds of limestone.

大理岩,一种变质岩,在灰岩重结晶时形成。Marble, a metamorphic rock, forms when limestone re- crystallizes.

近代巴黎是由大块的石灰岩和石膏构成的。Modern Paris sits atop massive formations of limestone and gypsum.