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用脑子想,别盲目嘲笑资本主义。Think about it instead of mindlessly deriding communism.

人们对社会的制度失却了信心,共产制度于是来临。People lost faith in the social system and then communism came in.

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表面上看,在推翻柏林墙和东欧剧变后,北约就已经开始了改革。Outwardly, Nato has changed since the Berlin Wall and communism fell.

我到是没想到在我的有生之年这个社会主义国家会解体。I never imagined that the fall of Communism would occur in my lifetime.

走私犯罪是破坏社会主义经济秩序的一种严重犯罪,当前我国走私犯罪相当严重。Smuggling crime is so serious that it violates the proper economic order of communism.

你有两头母牛。政府把它们牵走并给你提供牛奶。COMMUNISM You have two cows. The government takes them both and provides you with milk.

柏林墙倒掉二十年后,古巴社会主义步其后尘吗?Two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, is Cuban communism finally on the way out?

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宋庆龄是爱国主义、民主主义、国际主义的伟大战士。Soong Ching Ling was a great fighter for patriotism, democracy, internationalism, and Communism.

有些人会把这个社会问题归咎于中国的社会主义政治制度,但是我不这么看。Some people ascribed this social problem from the political form of communism. But I don't agree.

在一个和谐的国家里,中国的巨富走了一条很好的路线。In a country that mixes overt communism with covert capitalism, China's super-rich walk a fine line.

执本性不受约束观点的人,倾向乌托邦主义或共产主义。People who are more on the unconstrained vision would tend toward Utopianism or sometimes communism.

这也就是资产阶级顽固派为什么要那样叫嚣和要求“收起”它的原因。This is the reason why the bourgeois die-hards are so loudly demanding that communism be "folded up".

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高校德育在培养合格社会主义事业建设者和接班人中意义重大。It has a great effect on enhancing moral inculcation in college to cultivate qualified communism builders.

那个时代的生活主要是个悲剧,但却带有喜剧色彩的悲剧,更别说荒诞和幕间插曲了。Life under Communism was principally a tragedy, but a tragedy with comic, not to say grotesque, interludes.

那个时代的生活主要是个悲剧,但却带有喜剧色彩的悲剧,更别说荒诞和幕间插曲了。Life under Communism was principally a tragedy, but a tragedy with comic, not to say grotesque, interludes.

因此,共产、人性和劳动三者的关系构成了共产的要义。Therefore, the relationship between communism, humanity and labor forms the essential elements of communism.

共产道根具有常道的圆融性质,与一般社会不同。Different from ordinary societies, the Dao root of communism has the constant Dao property of perfect fusion.

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“贡产主意的黑名单”一书长达846页,由六名学者编写,描述贡产主意的历史,于1997年出版。"The Black Book of Communism" is an 846-page history of communism by six academics that was published in 1997.

为了获得快速发展,印度和中国等人口众多的国家需要无情的体制。Heavily populated countries like India and China need ruthless systems like communism for fast-track development.

随后而至的社会主义和经济动乱对吉普赛的生活而言更是雪上加霜。Both communism and the economic upheavals that followed it have made their traditional livelihoods more difficult.