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为什么要阿尔法betic先进的多维生素?Why take alphabetic advanced multi-vitamin?

那个人能把拼音文字写得像中国汉字这样出神入化?The man can write alphabetic characters such as China, superb?

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名称只能以英文字母开始,不能是数字或符号。Names must begin with an alphabetic character, not a number or symbol.

“按分类顺序”和“字母顺序”按钮位于每个属性页的顶部附近。Categorized and Alphabetic buttons are near the top of each property page.

汉字是一种与拼音文字不同的表意文字。Chinese characters are an ideograph different from the alphabetic writing.

“我是命中注定,”在上周唐人街的午餐上,他大笑着说。“I have an alphabetic destiny,” he said, laughing, over lunch in Chinatown last week.

一个字母或音节系统可能开发的美索不达米亚几千年以前。An alphabetic or syllabic system probably developed in Mesopotamia several thousand years ago.

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该字典按照与糖尿病及其并发病有关的字母顺序提供术语列表。It offers an list of terms by alphabetic order that are related to diabetes and its complications.

如果串列的内容是字串的话,他们会被依字母顺序的方式来排列。If the contents of the list are strings, as they are in this case they are put in alphabetic order.

英文属于拼音文字而中文是象形文字,思维方式不同。Alphabetic writing in English belonging to the Chinese is hieroglyphs, ways of thinking are different.

与此同时,学习阅读字母也有助于发展音韵和音素意识。At the same time, learning to read alphabetic script also develops phonological and phonemic awareness.

汉字在越南运用极广、影响极深,字喃和越南拼音文字深受其影响。Chinese character is widely used in Viet Nam and has deeply affected Zi Nan and Vietnamese alphabetic writing.

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作为一种古老的象形表意文字,汉字的特性与欧洲拼音文字迥然有别。As a kind of old ideogram, the characteristics of Chinese character is different from European alphabetic writing.

输出文件应该仅包含交易做成的日用品,并且按照商品名的字母顺序输出。The output should contain only the commodities for which deals are made the order of the output must be alphabetic.

结论汉语阅读障碍儿童与表音文字的同辈类似,也存在语音加工缺陷。ConclusionsChinese dyslexic children exist phonological processing deficits, just like the peers of alphabetic languages.

汉语分词是汉语言处理有别于拼音文字语言处理的特点之一。Chinese word distinguishing is one of the differences between chinese processing and alphabetic writing language processing.

七个小写字母和字母数字字符,前四个字符为字母,而后三个字符为数字。Seven lowercase and alphanumeric characters, first four characters being alphabetic and the last three characters being digits

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七个小写字母和字母数字字符,前三个字符为字母,而后四个字符为数字。Seven lowercase and alphanumeric characters, first three characters being alphabetic and the last four characters being digits

汉字不但是汉语的书写符号,而且具有不同于拼音文字的独特性。Chinese characters are not only symbols for writing, but also have special features that are different from alphabetic languages.

即便有一些零星的差异研究,也主要是针对拼音文字输入,很少涉及汉字输入。Even if there are some scattered difference researches, most are focusing on alphabetic character input, rarely involving Chinese.